Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science

Personal information

Position: Permanent Staff


Phone: +39 035 2052322

Location: Bergamo

Fields of Interest and Expertise

Organic synthesis.

Free radical chemistry.




General chemistry for engineering degrees

Organic chemistry and biochemistry


Curriculum Vitae

1984: Degree in Chemistry at the University of Milano. Thesis on Asymmetric synthesis of functionalized sulfoxides, catalyzed by natural proteins.

1990: Ph.D at the Politecnico di Milano. Thesis on Selective functionalization of organic compounds by radical and redox processes.

1990 - 1991: post-doctoral grant at the Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences – National Research Council Canada – Ottawa

1990: Researcher at the Department of Chemistry, Politecnico di Milano.

1998: Associate professor of Chemistry at the Department of Engineering, University of Bergamo. 

2006: Full professor of Chemistry at the Department of Engineering, University of Bergamo.




Helicity: A non-conventional stereogenic element for designing inherently chiral ionic liquids for electrochemical enantiodifferentiation

- Francesca Fontana - Carminati G. - Bertolotti B. - Mussini P.R. - Arnaboldi S. - Grecchi S. - Cirilli R. - Laura Micheli - Rizzo S.

A Raman and SERS study on the interactions of aza[5]helicene and aza[6]helicene with a nanostructured gold surface

- Zanchi C. - Lucotti A. - Pistaffa M. - Ossi P.M. - Trusso S. - Francesca Fontana - Carminati G. - Rizzo S. - Tommasini M.
Vibrational Spectroscopy

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