Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science


GREENART: a new publication on Heliyon, the Elsevier’s new open access journal

CSGI and CNR have published an important article on Helyon (the Elsevier’s new open access journal) titled "Reproducing bronze archeological patinas through intentional burial: A comparison between short- and long-term interactions with soil".  The article presents the study of bronze disks which have been intentionally buried for 15 years in the soil of the archaeological site of Tharros, both in laboratory and in situ, with the aim of reproducing corrosion patinas typical of archaeological artifacts to be used as representative surfaces for testing novel cleaning gels. This study has been perfomed in the frame of the European GREENART project, coordinated by CSGI. 

Here the link to read the article. 





