Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science


Here you can find the updated list of all the publications of CSGI members and affilated staff. Please note that the only publications listed here are those published after the affilation of each member. If you are interested in the whole bibliography of CSGI members, including articles and books published before affilation to CSGI, please refer to academic research databases, such as Scopus, Web Of Science, Google Scholar, ect.

You can use the search bar below to filter the publication list.


Economic Impact of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections in Children Under 5 Years of Age Attending Primary Care in Italy: A Prospective Cohort Study in Two Regions

- Sankatsing V. . - van Summeren J. - Abreha F. - Pandolfi E. - Maria Chironna - Loconsole D. - Kramer R. - Paget J. - Rizzo C.
Influenza and other Respiratory Viruses

FreshWater Watch: Investigating the Health of Freshwater Ecosystems, from the Bottom Up

- Bishop I. - Boldrini A. - Clymans W. - Hall C. - Moorhouse H. - Parkinson S. - Scott-Somme K. - Thornhill I. - Steven Arthur Loiselle
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice

BRAT1 - a new therapeutic target for glioblastoma

- Haydo A. - Schmidt J. - Crider A. - Kögler T. - Ertl J. - Hehlgans S. - Hoffmann M.E. - Rathore R. - Güllülü Ö. - Wang Y. - Zhang X. - Herold-Mende C. - Francesco Pampaloni - Tegeder I. - Dikic I. - Dai M. - Rödel F. - Kögel D. - Linder B.
Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS

Reusing CO2 for the sustainable development of several new technologies

- Garrido Sanchis A. - Barry William Ninham - Taseidifar M. - Pashley R.
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering

Enhancing stability: The protective role of nanodiamonds against biodegradation in cellulose ethers dispersions

- Palmieri E. - Alabiso A. - Migliore L. - Claudia Mazzuca - Tamburri E. - Guglielmotti V. - Orlanducci S.
Polymer Degradation and Stability

Multiphase boiling models of propane in a horizontal pipe: Application of CFD techniques

- Giunti L. - Gigliotti F. - Giacomelli F. - Lorenzo Talluri - Milazzo A.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Encapsulation of Oil Droplets Using Film-Forming Janus Nanoparticles

- Turpin G. - Nguyen D. - Sypkes K.I. - Vega-Sánchez C. - Davey T. - Hawkett B.S. - Chiara Neto

Gas-Phase Fragmentation of Coenzyme Q10 Radical Anion Generated by APCI: A Study by High/Low-Resolution Tandem/Sequential Mass Spectrometry

- Bianco M. - Losito I. - Ventura G. - Leoni B. - Palmitessa O.D. - Renna M. - Santamaria P. - Cosima Damiana Calvano - Cataldi T.R.I.
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry

Synthesis of spherical mesoporous silica beads with tunable size, stiffness and porosity

- Milani M. - Ahmad K. - Cavalletti E. - Ligoure C. - Luca Cipelletti - Kongkaew M. - Trens P. - Ramos L.
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials

Gellan-based hydrogels and microgels: A rheological perspective

- Franco S. - Leonardo Severini - Buratti E. - Tavagnacco L. - Sennato S. - Laura Micheli - Missori M. - Ruzicka B. - Claudia Mazzuca - Zaccarelli E. - Angelini R.
Carbohydrate Polymers

Exploiting agri-food residues for kombucha tea and bacterial cellulose production

- Sabatini F. - Maresca E. - Aulitto M. - Termopoli V. - De Risi A. - Correggia M. - Fiorentino G. - Consonni V. - Gosetti F. - Orlandi M. - Heiko Lange - Contursi P.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules

PSMA-targeted delivery of docetaxel in prostate cancer using small-sized PDA-based micellar nanovectors

- Rosales-Barrios C. - González-Sánchez Z.I. - Alessio Zuliani - Jiménez-Vacas J.M. - Luque R.M. - Pozo D. - Khiar N.
Journal of Controlled Release

From Waste to Value: Optimization of Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Anthocyanins and Flavonols from Pistacia lentiscus L. Oilcakes

- Muti L. - Nascimento L.B.d.S. - Goracci G. - Detti C. - Brunetti C. - Anna Rita Bilia - Ferrini F. - Gori A.

Osteoblastic Differentiation of Human Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells on P3HT Thin Polymer Film

- Campione P. - Rizzo M.G. - Bauso L.V. - Ielo I. - Grazia Maria Lucia Messina - Calabrese G.
Journal of Functional Biomaterials

Mixed atomistic-implicit quantum/classical approach to molecular nanoplasmonics

- Illobre P.G. - Lafiosca P. - Bonatti L. - Tommaso Giovannini - Chiara Cappelli
Journal of Chemical Physics

Metal-Free Synthesis of α-H Chlorine Alkylaromatic Hydrocarbons Driven by Visible Light

- De Luca L. - Ledda L. - Andrea Porcheddu - Carraro M. - Pisano L. - Gaspa S.

Kojic Acid Derivative as an Antimitotic Agent That Selectively Kills Tumour Cells

- Pichiri G. - Marco Piludu - Congiu T. - Grandi N. - Coni P. - Piras M. - Jaremko M. - Lachowicz J.I.

Carbon Nanoparticle-Loaded PLA Nanofibers via Electrospinning for Food Packaging

- Di Matteo P. - Francesco Barbero - Giménez-Torres E. - Fenoglio I. - Destro E. - Brunella V. - Sonseca Olalla Á.
Journal of Composites Science

Optimization of In-Situ Growth of Superconducting Al/InAs Hybrid Systems on GaAs for the Development of Quantum Electronic Circuits

- Kirti M. - Sütő M. - Tóvári E. - Makk P. - Prok T. - Csonka S. - Banerjee P. - Rajak P. - Ciancio R. - Plaisier J.R. - Pietro Parisse - Biasiol G.

Comparative Analysis of Different Graphite Concentrations in Micro-PMEDM Drilling

- Ravasio C. - Pellegrini G. - Giuseppe Rosace - Trovato V.
Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing

Desiccant thermally controlled dehumidification in HVAC systems: Energy and exergy analysis, evaluation of different materials

- Socci L. - Rocchetti A. - Lippi M. - Savelli F. - Verzino A. - Zini A. - Lorenzo Talluri - Giampaolo Manfrida - Ciappi L.
Journal of Building Engineering

Plasmonic Single-Molecule Affinity Detection at 10−20 Molar

- Eleonora Macchia - Franco C.D. - Scandurra C. - Lucia Sarcina - Piscitelli M. - Catacchio M. - Caputo M. - Paolo Bollella - Gaetano Scamarcio - Luisa Torsi
Advanced Materials

Lignin Molar Mass Estimation by Dispersion Analysis

- Simonsen T.I. - Djajadi D.T. - Ponzecchi A. - Claudia Crestini - Matteo Gigli - Sgarzi M. - Thomsen S.T.
Macromolecular Rapid Communications

Rice husk silica derived MICROSCAFS® for a green solar-driven photodegradation of minocycline in aqueous media

- Langiano F. - Fernandes S.M. - Barrocas B.T. - Del Tedesco A. - Riello P. - Ferreira M.J. - Marques A.C. - Sgarzi M. - Matteo Gigli - Claudia Crestini
Journal of Water Process Engineering

Mutual interaction of pyrolysis operating conditions and surface morphology for the electrochemical performance of biochar-modified screen-printed electrodes

- Cancelliere R. - Mele P. - Bartolucci L. - Cordiner S. - da Silva Freitas W. - Claudia Mazzuca - Mecheri B. - Laura Micheli - Mulone V. - Paialunga E. - Leonardo Severini
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering

An economic and environmental assessment of different bus powertrain technologies in public transportation

- Carbone C. - Sanzò N. - Dorsini R. - Nigliaccio G. - Giuseppe Di florio - Cigolotti V. - Agostini A.
Cleaner Environmental Systems

Nanocomposite gel containing usnic acid: Characterization and evaluation of the antibacterial efficacy on Staphylococcus epidermidis

- Castellacci R. - Sacco C. - Donato R. - Salvatici M.C. - Anna Rita Bilia - Bergonzi M.C.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics