Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science


Platinum, International magazine: article on CSGI.

The magazine "PLATINUM" (issue November 2023), prestigious International Magazine, dedicated a space to CSGI in the field of research.

For over twenty years Platinum has been a reference magazine in business publishing and in the world of Research & Development made in Italy and beyond. An authoritative and qualified communication aimed at a targeted and selected target in the business, institutional and financial world.
A prestigious editorial proposal that, through important protagonists, tells success stories of a winning entrepreneurship that has been able to innovate and become a driving force for the development and growth of the country.
The magazine is distributed in Italy in direct mailing, on newsstands with "Il Sole 24 ORE".

In this particular issue there is an interview with the President of the Consortium, Prof. Piero Baglioni, who highlights "We are phasing out the oil chemistry with a new chemistry that is sustainable, in accordance with the European green deal agenda.".
