Here you can find the updated list of all the publications of CSGI members and affilated staff. Please note that the only publications listed here are those published after the affilation of each member. If you are interested in the whole bibliography of CSGI members, including articles and books published before affilation to CSGI, please refer to academic research databases, such as Scopus, Web Of Science, Google Scholar, ect.
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Stabilizing cubic γ-Ga
Chirality in luminescent Cs
Thermochromic Narrow Band Gap Phosphors for Multimodal Optical Thermometry: The Case of Y3+-Stabilized β-Bi
Chiral non-stoichiometric ternary silver indium sulfide quantum dots: investigation on the chirality transfer by cysteine
- Branzi L. - Purcell-Milton F. - Cressoni C. - Michele Back - Cattaruzza E. - Speghini A. - Gun'ko Y.K. - Alvise BenedettiEvaluating two nanosilica dimensional range for the consolidation of degraded silicate stones
- Stucchi N.M.E. - Tesser E. - Zaccariello G. - Antonelli F. - Alvise Benedetti Fast and non-destructive neutron activation analysis for simultaneous determination of TiO
Facile Cellulase Immobilisation on Bioinspired Silica
- Lombardi V. - Trande M. - Michele Back - Patwardhan S.V. - Alvise BenedettiValorization of seashell waste in polypropylene composites: An accessible solution to overcome marine landfilling
- Cangiotti J. - Scatto M. - Araya-Hermosilla E. - Micheletti C. - Crivellari D. - Balloni A. - Pucci A. - Alvise BenedettiModification of Amorphous Mesoporous Zirconia Nanoparticles with Bisphosphonic Acids: A Straightforward Approach for Tailoring the Surface Properties of the Nanoparticles
- Hossain K. - Florean L. - Del Tedesco A. - Cattaruzza E. - Marco Geppi - Borsacchi S. - Patrizia Canton - Alvise Benedetti - Riello P. - Scarso A. Genotoxicity and immunotoxicity of titanium dioxide-embedded mesoporous silica nanoparticles (Tio
The formation mechanism and chirality evolution of chiral carbon dots prepared: Via radical assisted synthesis at room temperature
- Branzi L. - Lucchini G. - Cattaruzza E. - Pinna N. - Alvise Benedetti - Speghini A.Precursor-dependent photocatalytic activity of carbon dots
- Emanuele A. - Cailotto S. - Campalani C. - Branzi L. - Raviola C. - Ravelli D. - Cattaruzza E. - Trave E. - Alvise Benedetti - Selva M. - Perosa A.Zirconia-Based Magnetoplasmonic Nanocomposites: A New Nanotool for Magnetic-Guided Separations with SERS Identification
- Del Tedesco A. - Piotto V. - Sponchia G. - Hossain K. - Litti L. - Peddis D. - Scarso A. - Meneghetti M. - Alvise Benedetti - Riello P.Sodium niobate based hierarchical 3D perovskite nanoparticle clusters
- Branzi L. - Michele Back - Cortelletti P. - Pinna N. - Alvise Benedetti - Speghini A.Confined-Melting-Assisted Synthesis of Bismuth Silicate Glass-Ceramic Nanoparticles: Formation and Optical Thermometry Investigation
- Michele Back - Casagrande E. - Trave E. - Cristofori D. - Ambrosi E. - Dallo F. - Roman M. - Ueda J. - Xu J. - Tanabe S. - Alvise Benedetti - Riello P.Precursor-Dependent Photocatalytic Activity of Carbon Dots
- Amadio E. - Cailotto S. - Campalani C. - Branzi L. - Raviola C. - Ravelli D. - Cattaruzza E. - Trave E. - Alvise Benedetti - Selva M. - Perosa A.Conservation of contemporary art: Alteration phenomena in a XXI century artwork. From contactless in situ investigations to laboratory accelerated ageing tests
- Nodari L. - Tresin L. - Alvise Benedetti - Tufano M.K. - Tomasin P.Synthesis and characterization of nanosilica products for the consolidation of stones.
- Stucchi N.M.E. - Tesser E. - Antonelli F. - Alvise Benedetti Bi
Bismuth titanate-based UV filters embedded mesoporous silica nanoparticles: Role of bismuth concentration in the self-sealing process
- Zaccariello G. - Michele Back - Alvise Benedetti - Patrizia Canton - Cattaruzza E. - Onoda H. - Glisenti A. - Alimonti A. - Bocca B. - Riello P.Precursor-Dependent Photocatalytic Activity of Carbon Dots
- Amadio E. - Cailotto S. - Campalani C. - Branzi L. - Raviola C. - Ravelli D. - Cattaruzza E. - Trave E. - Alvise Benedetti - Selva M. - Perosa A. High-temperature compressive creep of novel fine-grained orthorhombic ZrO
Some crystallographic considerations on the novel orthorhombic ZrO
Carbon Dots from Sugars and Ascorbic Acid: Role of the Precursors on Morphology, Properties, Toxicity, and Drug Uptake
- Cailotto S. - Amadio E. - Facchin M. - Selva M. - Pontoglio E. - Rizzolio F. - Riello P. - Toffoli G. - Alvise Benedetti - Perosa A.Ag nanoaggregates as efficient broadband sensitizers for Tb3+ ions in silica-zirconia ion-exchanged sol-gel glasses and glass-ceramics
- Enrichi F. - Belmokhtar S. - Alvise Benedetti - Bouajaj A. - Cattaruzza E. - Coccetti F. - Colusso E. - Ferrari M. - Ghamgosar P. - Gonella F. - Karlsson M. - Martucci A. - Ottini R. - Riello P. - Righini G.C. - Trave E. - Vomiero A. - You S. - Zur L.On physical scattering density fluctuations of amorphous samples
- Ciccariello S. - Rielloa P. - Alvise BenedettiStudy of Eu3+ and Tm3+ substitution effects in sol–gel fabricated calcium hydroxyapatite
- Prichodko A. - Enrichi F. - Stankeviciute Z. - Alvise Benedetti - Grigoraviciute-Puroniene I. - Kareiva A.Formation and controlled growth of bismuth titanate phases into mesoporous silica nanoparticles: An efficient self-sealing nanosystem for UV filtering in cosmetic formulation
- Zaccariello G. - Michele Back - Zanello M. - Patrizia Canton - Cattaruzza E. - Riello P. - Alimonti A. - Alvise BenedettiBottom-up synthesis of carbon nanoparticles with higher doxorubicin efficacy
- Bayda S. - Hadla M. - Palazzolo S. - Kumar V. - Caligiuri I. - Ambrosi E. - Pontoglio E. - Agostini M. - Tuccinardi T. - Alvise Benedetti - Riello P. - Canzonieri V. - Corona G. - Toffoli G. - Rizzolio F. Ceramics of Ta-doping stabilized orthorhombic ZrO
Tuning the upconversion light emission by bandgap engineering in bismuth oxide-based upconverting nanoparticles
- Michele Back - Trave E. - Mazzucco N. - Riello P. - Alvise BenedettiIn vitro characterization of two different atmospheric plasma jet chemical functionalizations of titanium surfaces
- Mussano F. - Genova T. - Verga Falzacappa E. - Scopece P. - Munaron L. - Rivolo P. - Mandracci P. - Alvise Benedetti - Carossa S. - Patelli A.Orthorhombic phase stabilization and transformation phase process in zirconia tantalum-doped powders and spark plasma sintering systems
- Sponchia G. - Boffelli M. - Michele Back - Zhu W. - Domínguez Rodríguez A. - Pezzotti G. - De Portu G. - Riello P. - Alvise BenedettiEffect of age and level of damage on the autogenous healing of lime mortars
- De Nardi C. - Cecchi A. - Ferrara L. - Alvise Benedetti - Cristofori D.Functionalization of mesoporous silica nanoparticles with organosilanes: Experimental evidence of the interaction between organic groups and silica surface
- Del Tedesco A. - Ambrosi E. - Borsacchi S. - Alvise Benedetti Deposition of silica protected luminescent layers of Eu:GdVO
Ionic liquid mediated deposition of ruthenium mirrors on glass under multiphase conditions
- Giusti A. - Bellè A. - Alvise Benedetti - Patrizia Canton - Perosa A. - Selva M.Small-angle scattering behavior of thread-like and film-like systems
- Ciccariello S. - Riello P. - Alvise BenedettiIncorporation of Eu-Tb codoped nanophosphors in silica-based coatings assisted by atmospheric pressure plasma jet technology
- Beggio A. - Fantin M. - Scopece P. - Surpi A. - Patelli A. - Alvise Benedetti - Cristofori D. - Enrichi F.Phosphonium-based tetrakis dibenzoylmethane Eu(III) and Sm(III) complexes: Synthesis, crystal structure and photoluminescence properties in a weakly coordinating phosphonium ionic liquid
- Malba C. - Enrichi F. - Facchin M. - Demitri N. - Plaisier J. - Natile M. - Selva M. - Riello P. - Perosa A. - Alvise BenedettiLuminescent dansyl-based ionic liquids from amino acids and methylcarbonate onium salt precursors: Synthesis and photobehaviour
- Fiorani G. - Selva M. - Perosa A. - Alvise Benedetti - Enrichi F. - Licence P. - Easun T.L. Erratum: Unexpected optical activity of cerium in Y
Biocompatible tailored zirconia mesoporous nanoparticles with high surface area for theranostic applications
- Sponchia G. - Ambrosi E. - Rizzolio F. - Hadla M. - Tedesco A.D. - Spena C.R. - Toffoli G. - Riello P. - Alvise Benedetti Concentration quenching and photostability in Eu(dbm)
Combustion synthesis and photoluminescence properties of LaAlO
Temperature matters: An infrared spectroscopic investigation on the photocatalytic efficiency of titania coatings
- Falcaro P. - Zaccariello G. - Stoyanova V. - Alvise Benedetti - Costacurta S. TiO
Mesoporous silica nanoparticles with tunable pore size for tailored gold nanoparticles
- Sponchia G. - Marin R. - Freris I. - Marchiori M. - Moretti E. - Storaro L. - Patrizia Canton - Lausi A. - Alvise Benedetti - Riello P.Oxygen hole states in zirconia lattices: Quantitative aspects of their cathodoluminescence emission
- Boffelli M. - Zhu W. - Michele Back - Sponchia G. - Francese T. - Riello P. - Alvise Benedetti - Pezzotti G.