Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science


Here you can find the updated list of all the publications of CSGI members and affilated staff. Please note that the only publications listed here are those published after the affilation of each member. If you are interested in the whole bibliography of CSGI members, including articles and books published before affilation to CSGI, please refer to academic research databases, such as Scopus, Web Of Science, Google Scholar, ect.

You can use the search bar below to filter the publication list.



Outstanding Reviewers for Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics in 2023

- Alcón I. - Chass G.A. - Cheng T. - Ester Chiessi - da Silva C.A.B. - de Lara-Castells M.P. - Fortenberry R.C. - Henchman R.H. - Henkel P. - Jankowska J. - Jemmis E.D. - Johnson E.R. - Kocharian A. - Lee C.H. - Levitt M.H. - Moliner V. - Patanen M. - Perera A. - Schuurman M.S. - Tóth Á.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Outstanding Reviewers for Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics in 2023

- Alcón I. - Chass G.A. - Cheng T. - Ester Chiessi - da Silva C.A.B. - de Lara-Castells M.P. - Fortenberry R.C. - Henchman R.H. - Henkel P. - Jankowska J. - Jemmis E.D. - Johnson E.R. - Kocharian A. - Lee C.H. - Levitt M.H. - Moliner V. - Patanen M. - Perera A. - Schuurman M.S. - Tóth Á.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Water slowing down drives the occurrence of the low temperature dynamical transition in microgels

- Tavagnacco L. - Zanatta M. - Buratti E. - Bertoldo M. - Ester Chiessi - Appel M. - Natali F. - Orecchini A. - Zaccarelli E.
Chemical Science


On the nature of the thermoresponsiveness of poly(2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline) in aqueous solution

- Del Galdo S. - De Filippo C.A. - Stefanuto L. - Sennato S. - Gasperi T. - Ester Chiessi - Capone B.
Journal of Molecular Liquids

Methacrylated gellan gum hydrogel: a smart tool to face complex problems in the cleaning of paper materials

- Leonardo Severini - Tavagnacco L. - Angelini R. - Franco S. - Bertoldo M. - Calosi M. - Laura Micheli - Sennato S. - Ester Chiessi - Ruzicka B. - Missori M. - Claudia Mazzuca - Zaccarelli E.

Molecular origin of the two-step mechanism of gellan aggregation

- Tavagnacco L. - Ester Chiessi - Leonardo Severini - Franco S. - Buratti E. - Capocefalo A. - Brasili F. - Conte A.M. - Missori M. - Angelini R. - Sennato S. - Claudia Mazzuca - Zaccarelli E.
Science Advances


The role of polymer structure on water confinement in poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) dispersions

- Buratti E. - Tavagnacco L. - Zanatta M. - Ester Chiessi - Buoso S. - Franco S. - Ruzicka B. - Angelini R. - Orecchini A. - Bertoldo M. - Zaccarelli E.
Journal of Molecular Liquids


Proteinlike dynamical transition of hydrated polymer chains

- Tavagnacco L. - Zanatta M. - Buratti E. - Rosi B. - Frick B. - Natali F. - Ollivier J. - Ester Chiessi - Bertoldo M. - Zaccarelli E. - Orecchini A.
Physical Review Research

Thermoresponsivity of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) microgels in water-trehalose solution and its relation to protein behavior

- Rosi B.P. - Tavagnacco L. - Comez L. - Sassi P. - Ricci M. - Buratti E. - Bertoldo M. - Petrillo C. - Zaccarelli E. - Ester Chiessi - Corezzi S.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science


Atomic scale investigation of the volume phase transition in concentrated PNIPAM microgels

- Zanatta M. - Tavagnacco L. - Buratti E. - Ester Chiessi - Natali F. - Bertoldo M. - Orecchini A. - Zaccarelli E.
The Journal of chemical physics

Assembling patchy plasmonic nanoparticles with aggregation-dependent antibacterial activity

- Brasili F. - Capocefalo A. - Palmieri D. - Capitani F. - Ester Chiessi - Gaio Paradossi - Bordi F. - Domenici F.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science


Water-polymer coupling induces a dynamical transition in microgels

- Tavagnacco L. - Ester Chiessi - Zanatta M. - Orecchini A. - Zaccarelli E.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters

Phase Change Ultrasound Contrast Agents with a Photopolymerized Diacetylene Shell

- Yosra Toumia - Cerroni B. - Domenici F. - Heiko Lange - Bianchi L. - Cociorb M. - Brasili F. - Ester Chiessi - D'Agostino E. - Van Den Abeele K. - Heymans S.V. - D'Hooge J. - Gaio Paradossi


Evidence of a low-temperature dynamical transition in concentrated microgels

- Zanatta M. - Tavagnacco L. - Buratti E. - Bertoldo M. - Natali F. - Ester Chiessi - Orecchini A. - Zaccarelli E.
Science Advances


Next generation ultrasound platforms for theranostics

- Letizia Oddo - Cerroni B. - Domenici F. - Bedini A. - Bordi F. - Ester Chiessi - Gerbes S. - Gaio Paradossi
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science


Complex interfaces in "phase-change" contrast agents

- Capece S. - Domenici F. - Brasili F. - Letizia Oddo - Cerroni B. - Bedini A. - Bordi F. - Ester Chiessi - Gaio Paradossi
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics