Here you can find the updated list of all the publications of CSGI members and affilated staff. Please note that the only publications listed here are those published after the affilation of each member. If you are interested in the whole bibliography of CSGI members, including articles and books published before affilation to CSGI, please refer to academic research databases, such as Scopus, Web Of Science, Google Scholar, ect.
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Crowding effects on the structure and rheology of ultrasoft PNIPAM-PEGMA copolymer microgels
- Gavino Bassu - Jacopo Vialetto - Ruiz-Franco J. - Scotti A. - Houston J.E. - Mata J. - Zaccarelli E. - Marco LauratiModulating the conformation of microgels by complexation with inorganic nanoparticles
- Jacopo Vialetto - Ramakrishna S.N. - Stock S. - von Klitzing R. - Isa L.Effect of particle stiffness and surface properties on the non-linear viscoelasticity of dense microgel suspensions
- Jacopo Vialetto - Ramakrishna S.N. - Isa L. - Marco LauratiVersatile Deposition of Complex Colloidal Assemblies from the Evaporation of Hanging Drops
- Jacopo Vialetto - Gaichies T. - Rudiuk S. - Morel M. - Baigl D.Tuning Electrostatic Interactions of Colloidal Particles at Oil-Water Interfaces with Organic Salts
- Van Baalen C. - Jacopo Vialetto - Isa L.Exploring the 3D Conformation of Hard-Core Soft-Shell Particles Adsorbed at a Fluid Interface
- Jacopo Vialetto - Camerin F. - Ramakrishna S.N. - Zaccarelli E. - Isa L.Effect of curvature on the diffusion of colloidal bananas
- Ulbrich J.A. - Fernández-Rico C. - Rost B. - Jacopo Vialetto - Isa L. - Urbach J.S. - Dullens R.P.A.