Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science

Personal information

Position: Associated Staff


Phone: +39 050 509855

Location: Pisa - SNS

Fields of Interest and Expertise




Curriculum Vitae






Built-in Bernal gap in large-angle-twisted monolayer-bilayer graphene

- Boschi A. - Gebeyehu Z.M. - Slizovskiy S. - Mišeikis V. - Forti S. - Rossi A. - Watanabe K. - Taniguchi T. - Fabio Beltram - Fal’ko V.I. - Coletti C. - Pezzini S.
Communications Physics

The supramolecular processing of liposomal doxorubicin hinders its therapeutic efficacy in cells

- Carretta A. - Moscardini A. - Signore G. - Debellis D. - Catalano F. - Marotta R. - Palmieri V. - Tedeschi G. - Scipioni L. - Pozzi D. - Caracciolo G. - Fabio Beltram - Cardarelli F.
Molecular Therapy Oncology

Decoupled High-Mobility Graphene on Cu(111)/Sapphire via Chemical Vapor Deposition

- Gebeyehu Z.M. - Mišeikis V. - Forti S. - Rossi A. - Mishra N. - Boschi A. - Ivanov Y.P. - Martini L. - Ochapski M.W. - Piccinini G. - Watanabe K. - Taniguchi T. - Divitini G. - Fabio Beltram - Pezzini S. - Coletti C.
Advanced Materials

Machine-learning-guided recognition of α and β cells from label-free infrared micrographs of living human islets of Langerhans

- Azzarello F. - Carli F. - De Lorenzi V. - Tesi M. - Marchetti P. - Fabio Beltram - Raimondi F. - Cardarelli F.
Scientific Reports

Optimized Two-Color Single-Molecule Tracking of Fast-Diffusing Membrane Receptors

- Schirripa Spagnolo C. - Moscardini A. - Amodeo R. - Fabio Beltram - Luin S.
Advanced Optical Materials

Aptamer-based gold nanoparticle aggregates for ultrasensitive amplification-free detection of PSMA

- Matteoli G. - Luin S. - Bellucci L. - Nifosì R. - Fabio Beltram - Signore G.
Scientific Reports

Fluorescence Lifetime Nanoscopy of Liposomal Irinotecan Onivyde: From Manufacturing to Intracellular Processing

- Bernardi M. - Signore G. - Moscardini A. - Pugliese L.A. - Pesce L. - Fabio Beltram - Cardarelli F.
ACS Applied Bio Materials

Quantitative determination of fluorescence labeling implemented in cell cultures

- Schirripa Spagnolo C. - Moscardini A. - Amodeo R. - Fabio Beltram - Luin S.
BMC Biology

Optical grade bromide-based thin film electrolytes

- Melchioni N. - Trupiano G. - Tofani G. - Bertini R. - Mezzetta A. - Bianco F. - Guazzelli L. - Fabio Beltram - Pomelli C.S. - Roddaro S. - Tredicucci A. - Paolucci F.
Applied Physics Letters

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