Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science

Personal information

Position: PhD Students



Location: Florence

Fields of Interest and Expertise




Heat pumps


Renewable Energies



Curriculum Vitae

2019: Ph.D. (Doctor Europaeus), Università degli Studi di Firenze. Thesis on: “Micro turbo expander design for small scale ORC: Tesla turbine”

2014: MSc with honors in Energy Engineering, Università degli Studi di Firenze. Thesis on: “Techno economic and environmental assessments of marine propulsion systems”

2014: MSc in Thermal Power specialising in Power, Propulsion & the Environment, Cranfield University. Thesis on: “Techno economic and environmental assessments of marine propulsion systems"




Multiphase boiling models of propane in a horizontal pipe: Application of CFD techniques

- Giunti L. - Gigliotti F. - Giacomelli F. - Lorenzo Talluri - Milazzo A.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Desiccant thermally controlled dehumidification in HVAC systems: Energy and exergy analysis, evaluation of different materials

- Socci L. - Rocchetti A. - Lippi M. - Savelli F. - Verzino A. - Zini A. - Lorenzo Talluri - Giampaolo Manfrida - Ciappi L.
Journal of Building Engineering

Exploiting the Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) technology for green hydrogen production and storage: Exergo-economic analysis

- Ciappi L. - Socci L. - Calabrese M. - Di Francesco C. - Savelli F. - Giampaolo Manfrida - Rocchetti A. - Lorenzo Talluri - Daniele Fiaschi
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

Experimental results on a chiller using a CO2-DME mixture

- Vaccaro G. - Milazzo A. - Tobaly P. - Diaby A.T. - Lorenzo Talluri
International Journal of Refrigeration

Multidisciplinary design and manufacturing of a Tesla pump prototype

- Bakogianni A. - Anselmi E.P. - Rajendran D.J. - Bufalari L. - Lorenzo Talluri - Ungar P. - Daniele Fiaschi
Applied Thermal Engineering

Mechanical design and manufacture of a boundary layer pump

- Bufalari L. - Anselmi E. - Rinchi M. - Howard K. - Lorenzo Talluri - Daniele Fiaschi
E3S Web of Conferences

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