Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science

Personal information

Position: Permanent Staff


Phone: +39 081 7685975

Location: Naples

Fields of Interest and Expertise

Nano-(Bio)-Materials and Interfaces

Bioinspired and Functional Nanomaterials

Amphiphilic Nanosystems

Lipid Bilayers

Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)

Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) Spectroscopy

Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) Techinique

Neutron Scattering (NR, SANS) Techniques



Chimistry (LT Aerospace Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, University of Naples Federico II)

Fundamentals of Chemistry (LT Biomedical Engineering, University of Naples Federico II)


Curriculum Vitae

2019-at present: Tenure-track researcher (RTD-B) at the Department of Chemical, Materials and Production Engineering (DICMaPI), University of Naples Federico II.

2016-2019: Researcher (RTD-A) at the Department of Chemical, Materials and Production Engineering (DICMaPI), University of Naples Federico II.

2013-2016: Post-doc at the University of Naples Federico II.

2012: 1st level postgraduate Master in “Life sciences in journalism and political-institutional relationships” at the University of Rome La Sapienza. Title: "World Intellectual Property Indicators".

2010-2011: Visiting scientist at the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble (France).

2008-2011: PhD in Chemical Sciences, at the Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Naples Federico II. Title: "Microstructural characterization of phospholipid membranes and study of their interaction with proteins and peptides".

2008: Master Degree in Science and Technology of Industrial Chemistry, at the Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Naples Federico II, score: 110 cum laude/110. Title: "Interaction between the (25-35) β-amyloid peptide fragment and phospholipid bilayers in the presence of potentially antiplatelet molecules. An EPR study".

2007: Bachelor Degree in Industrial Chemistry, at the Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Naples Federico II, score: 110/110. Title: "Effect of cholesterol on the interaction between (25-35) β-amyloid fragment and lipid membranes: an EPR study".



Modulating the radical scavenging/generation ability of light-responsive melanin-like nanoplatforms by ascorbic acid treatment

- Pota G. - Puzone A. - Carrella E. - Pezzella A. - Luciani G. - D'Errico G. - Giuseppe Vitiello
Applied Surface Science

Sensitive colorimetric immunosensor using AuNP-functionalized polymer film for picogram-level detection of Tau protein intermediate aggregates

- Di Natale C. - Simone Russo - Graziano F. - Vespini V. - Luciani G. - Giuseppe Vitiello - Lombardi L. - Ferranti F. - Mari S. - Luca Maffettone P. - Grilli S. - Coppola S. - Ferraro P.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science

Highly sensitive detection of a neurodegenerative protein biomarker by using the pyro-electrohydrodynamic jet

- Di Natale C. - Coppola S. - Vespini V. - Tkachenko V. - Simone Russo - Carbone S. - Luciani G. - Giuseppe Vitiello - Ferranti F. - Mari S. - Ferraro P. - Maffettone P.L. - Grilli S.
EPJ Web of Conferences

Characterization of bovine serum albumin immobilization on surface modified glass slides in case of pyro-electrohydrodynamic spots

- Di Natale C. - Coppola S. - Vespini V. - Tkachenko V. - Luciani G. - Giuseppe Vitiello - Ferranti F. - Mari S. - Maffettone P.L. - Grilli S.
Analytica Chimica Acta

Thin Polymeric Film Functionalized by AuNPs for High Sensitive Protein Biosensing

- Di Natale C. - Coppola S. - Vespini V. - Tkachenko V. - Luciani G. - Giuseppe Vitiello - Simone Russo - Lombardi L. - Mari S. - Ferranti F. - Maffettone P.L. - Grilli S. - Ferraro P.
2024 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace, MetroAeroSpace 2024 - Proceeding

Innovative pyroelectric biosensor for detecting picogram level of neurodegeneration protein biomarkers

- Di Natale C. - Coppola S. - Vespini V. - Tkachenko V. - Simone Russo - Luciani G. - Giuseppe Vitiello - Tammaro D. - Ferraro P. - Ferranti F. - Mari S. - la Manna S. - Marasco D. - Maffettone P.L. - Grilli S.
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

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