Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science


Here you can find the updated list of all the publications of CSGI members and affilated staff. Please note that the only publications listed here are those published after the affilation of each member. If you are interested in the whole bibliography of CSGI members, including articles and books published before affilation to CSGI, please refer to academic research databases, such as Scopus, Web Of Science, Google Scholar, ect.

You can use the search bar below to filter the publication list.


Chitosan in electrochemical (bio)sensors: nanostructuring and methods of synthesis

- Bocchetta P. - Othman A. - Gupta M. - Andriani G. - Martin P. - Kumar Y. - Joly N. - Pasquale Sacco - Sufyan Javed M.
European Polymer Journal

Ionic Strength Impacts the Physical Properties of Agarose Hydrogels

- Pasquale Sacco - Piazza F. - Marsich E. - Abrami M. - Grassi M. - Donati I.


Cell Activities on Viscoelastic Substrates Show an Elastic Energy Threshold and Correlate with the Linear Elastic Energy Loss in the Strain-Softening Region

- Piazza F. - Pasquale Sacco - Marsich E. - Baj G. - Brun F. - Asaro F. - Grassi G. - Grassi M. - Donati I.
Advanced Functional Materials

Controlled Quenching of Agarose Defines Hydrogels with Tunable Structural, Bulk Mechanical, Surface Nanomechanical, and Cell Response in 2D Cultures

- Piazza F. - Pietro Parisse - Passerino J. - Marsich E. - Bersanini L. - Porrelli D. - Baj G. - Donati I. - Pasquale Sacco
Advanced Healthcare Materials

Immediate stress dissipation in dual cross-link hydrogels controls osteogenic commitment of mesenchymal stem cells

- Pizzolitto C. - Scognamiglio F. - Pasquale Sacco - Lipari S. - Romano M. - Donati I. - Marsich E.
Carbohydrate Polymers


DOTAREM (DOTA)–Gold-Nanoparticles: Design, Spectroscopic Evaluation to Build Hybrid Contrast Agents to Applications in Nanomedecine

- Khan M. - Liu H. - Pasquale Sacco - Marsich E. - Li X. - Djaker N. - Spadavecchia J.
International Journal of Nanomedicine

Regulation of Substrate Dissipation via Tunable Linear Elasticity Controls Cell Activity

- Pasquale Sacco - Piazza F. - Pizzolitto C. - Baj G. - Brun F. - Marsich E. - Donati I.
Advanced Functional Materials

Sulfated lactose-modified chitosan. A novel synthetic glycosaminoglycan-like polysaccharide inducing chondrocyte aggregation

- Pizzolitto C. - Esposito F. - Pasquale Sacco - Marsich E. - Gargiulo V. - Bedini E. - Donati I.
Carbohydrate Polymers


Strain Hardening in Highly Acetylated Chitosan Gels

- Furlani F. - Marfoglia A. - Marsich E. - Donati I. - Pasquale Sacco

Ionotropic gelation of chitosan flat structures and potential applications

- Pasquale Sacco - Pedroso-Santana S. - Kumar Y. - Joly N. - Martin P. - Bocchetta P.


On the mechanism of genipin binding to primary amines in lactose-modified chitosan at neutral pH

- Pizzolitto C. - Cok M. - Asaro F. - Scognamiglio F. - Marsich E. - Francesco Lopez - Donati I. - Pasquale Sacco
International Journal of Molecular Sciences



Phyto-liposomes as nanoshuttles for water-insoluble silybin-phospholipid complex

- Angelico R. - Andrea Ceglie - Pasquale Sacco - Giuseppe Colafemmina - Ripoli M. - Mangia A.
International Journal of Pharmaceutics