Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science


Here you can find the updated list of all the publications of CSGI members and affilated staff. Please note that the only publications listed here are those published after the affilation of each member. If you are interested in the whole bibliography of CSGI members, including articles and books published before affilation to CSGI, please refer to academic research databases, such as Scopus, Web Of Science, Google Scholar, ect.

You can use the search bar below to filter the publication list.


Structural and Electronic Evolution of Ethanolamine upon Microhydration: Insights from Hyperfine Resolved Rotational Spectroscopy

- Xie F. - Mendolicchio M. - Omarouayache W. - Murugachandran S.I. - Lei J. - Gou Q. - Sanz M.E. - Vincenzo Barone - Schnell M.
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition

The Semiexperimental Approach at Work: Equilibrium Structure of Radical Species

- Alessandrini S. - Melosso M. - Bizzocchi L. - Vincenzo Barone - Puzzarini C.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A

Revisiting Stereoselective Propene Polymerization Mechanisms: Insights through the Activation Strain Model

- Romano E. - Vincenzo Barone - Budzelaar P.H.M. - De Rosa C. - Talarico G.
Chemistry - An Asian Journal

Relevance of the P+O2 Reaction for PO Formation in Astrochemical Environments: Electronic Structure Calculations and Kinetic Simulations

- García de la Concepción J. - Cavallotti C. - Vincenzo Barone - Puzzarini C. - Jiménez-Serra I.
Astrophysical Journal


Charge density wave order, local lattice distortions, and topological electronic states in NbTe4

- Petkov V. - Amin R. - Jakhar M. - Vincenzo Barone - Milinda Abeykoon A.M. - Sretenovic M. - Ke X.
Physical Review B

Toward an Accurate Black-Box Tool for the Kinetics of Gas-Phase Reactions Involving Barrier-less Elementary Steps

- Crisci L. - Di Grande S. - Cavallotti C. - Vincenzo Barone
Journal of chemical theory and computation

Rotational spectra and semi-experimental structures of furonitrile and its water cluster

- Melosso M. - Alessandrini S. - Spada L. - Melli A. - Wang X. - Zheng Y. - Duan C. - Li J. - Du W. - Gou Q. - Bizzocchi L. - Dore L. - Vincenzo Barone - Puzzarini C.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

DFT Meets Wave-Function Methods for Accurate Structures and Rotational Constants of Histidine, Tryptophan, and Proline

- Vincenzo Barone - Uribe Grajales L.M. - Di Grande S. - Lazzari F. - Mendolicchio M.
The journal of physical chemistry. A

Toward the Detection of Cyanoketene in the Interstellar Medium: New Hints from Quantum Chemistry and Rotational Spectroscopy

- Ballotta B. - Marforio T.D. - Sergio Rampino - Martínez-Núñez E. - Vincenzo Barone - Melosso M. - Bottoni A. - Dore L.
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry

Bringing Machine-Learning Enhanced Quantum Chemistry and Microwave Spectroscopy to Conformational Landscape Exploration: the Paradigmatic Case of 4-Fluoro-Threonine

- Vincenzo Barone - Fusè M. - Aguado R. - Potenti S. - León I. - Alonso E.R. - Mata S. - Lazzari F. - Mancini G. - Spada L. - Gualandi A. - Cozzi P.G. - Puzzarini C. - Alonso J.L.
Chemistry - A European Journal


Weakened Sustained Attention and Increased Cognitive Effort after Total Sleep Deprivation: A Virtual Reality Ecological Study

- Bufano P. - Albertini N. - Chiarelli S. - Vincenzo Barone - Valleggi M. - Parrini G. - Tognetti A. - Cesari V. - Gemignani A. - Menicucci D.
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction

Autobiography of Vincenzo Barone

- Vincenzo Barone
The journal of physical chemistry. A

DFT exchange: sharing perspectives on the workhorse of quantum chemistry and materials science

- Teale A.M. - Helgaker T. - Savin A. - Adamo C. - Aradi B. - Arbuznikov A.V. - Ayers P.W. - Baerends E.J. - Vincenzo Barone - Calaminici P. - Cancès E. - Carter E.A. - Chattaraj P.K. - Chermette H. - Ciofini I. - Crawford T.D. - De Proft F. - Dobson J.F. - Draxl C. - Frauenheim T. - Fromager E. - Fuentealba P. - Gagliardi L. - Galli G. - Gao J. - Geerlings P. - Gidopoulos N. - Gill P.M.W. - Gori-Giorgi P. - Görling A. - Gould T. - Grimme S. - Gritsenko O. - Jensen H.J.A. - Johnson E.R. - Jones R.O. - Kaupp M. - Köster A.M. - Kronik L. - Krylov A.I. - Kvaal S. - Laestadius A. - Levy M. - Lewin M. - Liu S. - Loos P.F. - Maitra N.T. - Neese F. - Perdew J.P. - Pernal K. - Pernot P. - Piecuch P. - Rebolini E. - Reining L. - Romaniello P. - Ruzsinszky A. - Salahub D.R. - Scheffler M. - Schwerdtfeger P. - Staroverov V.N. - Sun J. - Tellgren E. - Tozer D.J. - Trickey S.B. - Ullrich C.A. - Vela A. - Vignale G. - Wesolowski T.A. - Xu X. - Yang W.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Intersystem crossing in the entrance channel of the reaction of O(3P) with pyridine

- Recio P. - Alessandrini S. - Vanuzzo G. - Pannacci G. - Baggioli A. - Marchione D. - Caracciolo A. - Murray V.J. - Casavecchia P. - Balucani N. - Cavallotti C. - Puzzarini C. - Vincenzo Barone
Nature Chemistry