Position: Permanent Staff
Email: montis@csgi.unifi.it
Phone: 055 457-3017
Location: Florence
Gene Delivery Systems.
Lipid Systems as Membrane Models.
Jul 2006: Bachelor Degree in Chemistry, at the University of Florence (110 cum laude/110). Title: "Synthesis and Characterization of New Organic Gelators".
Oct 2009: Master Degree in Chemistry, at the University of Florence (110 cum laude/110). Title: "Nucleolipids-Nucleic Acids Hybrid Systems: Preparation and characterization".
2010-present: PhD in Chemical Sciences at the University of Florence. Title: "Nucleolipids Self-Assemblies as Gene Delivery Systems". Advisor: Prof. P. Baglioni (University of Florence).
Oct-Dec 2011: Studies at Institut Laue Langevin in Grenoble (France).
Bucking the trend: understanding lipopolysaccharide structure and outer membrane dynamics in cold-adapted Pseudomonas isolated from Enigma Lake, Antarctica
- Mercogliano M. - De Chiara S. - De Nicola A. - Jacopo Cardellini - Costanza Montis - Yakimov M.M. - Cono V.L. - Crisafi F. - Silipo A. - Debora Berti - Milano G. - Molinaro A. - Di Lorenzo F.Hybrid lipid-AuNP clusters as highly efficient SERS substrates for biomedical applications
- Jacopo Cardellini - Dallari C. - De Santis I. - Riccio L. - Ceni C. - Morrone A. - Calamai M. - Pavone F.S. - Credi C. - Costanza Montis - Debora BertiParallel on-chip micropipettes enabling quantitative multiplexed characterization of vesicle mechanics and cell aggregates rheology
- Landiech S. - Elias M. - Lapèze P. - Ajiyel H. - Plancke M. - González-Bermúdez B. - Laborde A. - Mesnilgrente F. - Bourrier D. - Debora Berti - Costanza Montis - Mazenq L. - Baldo J. - Roux C. - Delarue M. - Joseph P.Engineering the interaction of short antimicrobial peptides with bacterial barriers
- Costanza Montis - Marelli E. - Francesco Valle - Francesca Baldelli Bombelli - Pigliacelli C.Morphology and thermal transitions of self-assembled NIPAM-DMA copolymers in aqueous media depend on copolymer composition profile
- Farias-Mancilla B. - Arianna Balestri - Zhang J. - Frielinghaus H. - Debora Berti - Costanza Montis - Destarac M. - Schubert U.S. - Guerrero-Sanchez C. - Harrisson S. - Lonetti B.Controlling plasmonic suprastructures through self-assembly of gold nanoparticles with hybrid copolymer-lipid vesicles
- Jacopo Cardellini - Arianna Balestri - Comparini L. - Lonetti B. - Marco Brucale - Francesco Valle - Debora Berti - Costanza MontisMagnetic-Plasmonic Nanoscale Liposomes with Tunable Optical and Magnetic Properties for Combined Multimodal Imaging and Drug Delivery
- Jacopo Cardellini - Surpi A. - Muzzi B. - Pacciani V. - Innocenti C. - Sangregorio C. - Dediu V.A. - Costanza Montis - Debora BertiParticle profiling of EV-lipoprotein mixtures by AFM nanomechanical imaging
- Andrea Ridolfi - Conti L. - Marco Brucale - Frigerio R. - Jacopo Cardellini - Angelo Musicò - Miriam Romano - Andrea Zendrini - Polito L. - Bergamaschi G. - Gori A. - Costanza Montis - Panella S. - Barile L. - Debora Berti - Annalisa Radeghieri - Paolo Bergese - Marina Cretich - Francesco VallePNIPAM-stabilized cubosomes as fusogenic delivery nanovectors for anticancer applications
- Arianna Balestri - Gibot L. - Amenitisch H. - Cervelli L. - Costanza Montis - Lonetti B. - Debora BertiRole of Curvature-Sensing Proteins in the Uptake of Nanoparticles with Different Mechanical Properties
- Montizaan D. - Saunders C. - Yang K. - Sasidharan S. - Maity S. - Reker-Smit C. - Stuart M.C.A. - Costanza Montis - Debora Berti - Roos W.H. - Salvati A.Consorzio interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Department of Chemistry, University of Florence - Via della Lastruccia 3 50019 - Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
Fiscal code/VAT ID: 04519240487
PEC : consorzio_csgi@pec.it
Filippo Baldereschi
Emanuela Grassi
Irene Trapani
Manola Trastulli
Patrizia Zitelli
Michele Baglioni
Giovanna Poggi
Fabio Nicoli (Website designer)