Here you can find the updated list of all the publications of CSGI members and affilated staff. Please note that the only publications listed here are those published after the affilation of each member. If you are interested in the whole bibliography of CSGI members, including articles and books published before affilation to CSGI, please refer to academic research databases, such as Scopus, Web Of Science, Google Scholar, ect.
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Optical behavior of surface bubbles
- Straulino S. - Cecilia Gambi - Molesini G.Monitoring the thinning dynamics of soap films by phase shift interferometry. the case of perfluoropolyether surfactants
- Cecilia Gambi - Vannoni M. - Sordini A. - Molesini G.Cluster phases of decorated micellar solutions with macrocyclic ligands
- Marchetti S. - Emiliano Fratini - Sennato S. - Cazzolli G. - Rossi B. - Caponi S. - Lanzi L. - Carlaì M. - Sciortino F. - Viliani G. - Cecilia GambiThe Action of Ligands in the Aggregation Process of Soft Colloidal Solution Monitored by Raman Spectroscopy
- Caponi S. - Mattarelli M. - Cecilia Gambi - Rossi F. - Montagna M.Aggregation processes in micellar solutions: A Raman study
- Cazzolli G. - Caponi S. - Defant A. - Cecilia Gambi - Marchetti S. - Mattarelli M. - Montagna M. - Rossi B. - Rossi F. - Viliani G.Experiments on buoyancy and surface tension following Galileo Galilei
- Straulino S. - Cecilia Gambi - Righini A.Complexation of macrocyclic ligands in ionic SDS micellar solutions: A dielectric spectroscopy investigation
- Sennato S. - Marchetti S. - Cecilia Gambi - Cametti C.β-connectin studies by small-angle x-ray scattering and single-molecule force spectroscopy by atomic force microscopy
- Marchetti S. - Sbrana F. - Toscano A. - Emiliano Fratini - Carlà M. - Vassalli M. - Tiribilli B. - Pacini A. - Cecilia GambiErratum: Dynamical characterization of vibrating AFM cantilevers forced by photothermal excitation
- Pini V. - Tiribilli B. - Cecilia Gambi - Vassalli M.Dielectric relaxation spectroscopy of lysozyme aqueous solutions: Analysis of the δ-dispersion and the contribution of the hydration water
- Cametti C. - Marchetti S. - Cecilia Gambi - Onori G.Conformational structure of the MOG-derived peptide 101-108 in solution.
- Guardiani C. - Marsili S. - Marchetti S. - Cecilia Gambi - Procacci P. - Livi R.Dynamical characterization of vibrating AFM cantilevers forced by photothermal excitation
- Pini V. - Tiribilli B. - Cecilia Gambi - Vassalli M.Small-Angle Neutron Scattering of Percolative Perfluoropolyether Water in Oil Microemulsions
- Marco Laurati - Cecilia Gambi - Giordano R. - Piero Baglioni - Teixeira J.Experiments on electromagnetism for teachers and students of the secondary school
- Straulino S. - Cartacci A. - Cecilia GambiA new insight on the dynamics of sodium dodecyl sulfate aqueous micellar solutions by dielectric spectroscopy
- Lanzi L. - Carlà M. - Lanzi L. - Cecilia GambiDynamic light scattering and atomic force microscopy imaging on fragments of β -connectin from human cardiac muscle
- Marchetti S. - Sbrana F. - Raccis R. - Lanzi L. - Cecilia Gambi - Vassalli M. - Tiribilli B. - Pacini A. - Toscano A.Energy balance in dense microemulsions
- Senatra D. - Ziparo C. - Cecilia Gambi - Lanzi L.Percolation transition in water-AOT-decane microemulsion investigated by transient grating measurement
- Ziparo C. - Eramo R. - Cecilia Gambi - Torre R.Small-angle neutron scattering of mixed ionic perfluoropolyether micellar solutions
- Cecilia Gambi - Giordano R. - Chittofrati A. - Pieri R. - Marco Laurati - Piero Baglioni - Teixeira J.Small-angle neutron scattering of ionic perfluoropolyether micellar solutions: Role of counterions and temperature
- Cecilia Gambi - Giordano R. - Chittofrati A. - Pieri R. - Piero Baglioni - Teixeira J.Dielectric spectroscopy by differential measurements in transmission lines on sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles in water
- Lanzi L. - Carlà M. - Cecilia Gambi - Lanz L.Dielectric spectroscopy by differential measurements in transmission lines on self-associating nanostructures
- Lanzi L. - Carlà M. - Cecilia Gambi - Lanzi L.Counterion and Temperature Effects on Aqueous Ionic Perfluoropolyether Micellar Solutions by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering
- Cecilia Gambi - Giordano R. - Chittofrati A. - Pieri R. - Piero Baglioni - Teixeira J.Study by small-angle neutron scattering of sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles with the macrocyclic ligand [2.2.2] cryptand
- Scaffei L. - Lanzi L. - Cecilia Gambi - Giordano R. - Piero Baglioni - Teixeira J.SANS analysis of aqueous ionic perfluoropolyether micelles
- Cecilia Gambi - Giordano R. - Chittofrati A. - Pieri R. - Piero Baglioni - Teixeira J.SANS analysis of perfluoropolyether water-in-oil microemulsions by hard sphere and adhesive hard sphere potentials
- Cecilia Gambi - Giordano R. - Marco Laurati - Lanzi L. - Pini F. - Piero BaglioniPercolation phenomenon of calcium bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate water-in-oil microemulsions by conductivity and dielectric spectroscopy measurements
- Capuzzi G. - Piero Baglioni - Cecilia Gambi - Sheu E.Y.Complexation of counter-ions in ionic micellar solutions: A small-angle neutron scattering study
- Piero Baglioni - Cecilia Gambi - Giordano R. - Teixeira J.Sans on fluorinated water-in-oil microemulsions
- Piero Baglioni - Cecilia Gambi - Giordano R.Sans on micellar solutions of octyl-18-crown-6
- Piero Baglioni - Cecilia Gambi - Giordano R. - Pierandrea Lo Nostro - Teixeira J. Small-angle neutron scattering of Ca(AOT)
Micellar solutions of octyl-18-crown-6
- Campagna M. - Luigi Dei - Cecilia Gambi - Pierandrea Lo Nostro - Zini S. - Piero BaglioniAdsorption properties of cryptand 222 at the charged mercury-solution interface
- Carlà M. - Cecilia Gambi - Piero BaglioniSANS study of a fluorinated water-in-oil microemulsion
- Piero Baglioni - Cecilia Gambi - Giordano R. - Senatra D.The role of macrocyclic ligands in the structure of LDS micellar solutions
- Piero Baglioni - Cecilia Gambi - Giordano R. - Teixeira J.Hydrogen isotope substitution in a water-in-oil microemulsion: Quasi-elastic light scattering
- Piero Baglioni - Luigi Dei - Cecilia GambiEffect of lithium encapsulation by a macrocyclic aza cage in micellar solutions of lithium dodecyl sulfate
- Piero Baglioni - Bencini A. - Luigi Dei - Cecilia Gambi - Pierandrea Lo Nostro - Chen S.H. - Liu Y.C. - Teixeira J. - Kevan L.Structure and aggregation of lithium dodecyl sulphate micellar solutions in the presence of a macrocyclic cage
- Piero Baglioni - Bencini A. - Luigi Dei - Cecilia Gambi - Pierandrea Lo Nostro - Chen S. - Liu Y. - Teixeira J. - Kevan L.