Here you can find the updated list of all the publications of CSGI members and affilated staff. Please note that the only publications listed here are those published after the affilation of each member. If you are interested in the whole bibliography of CSGI members, including articles and books published before affilation to CSGI, please refer to academic research databases, such as Scopus, Web Of Science, Google Scholar, ect.
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Control of Nanoparticle Size of Intrinsically Fluorescent PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) Particles Produced Through Nanoprecipitation
- Raffaella Lettieri - Mudassir M. - Domenici F. - Salina A. - Mariano Venanzi - D’Ottavi C. - Di Bartolomeo E. - Emanuela GattoApplication of Microsponge Drug Platform to Enhance Methotrexate Administration in Rheumatoid Arthritis Therapy
- Fiaschini N. - Hanieh P.N. - Ariaudo D. - Rita Cimino - Abbate C. - Romano E. - Francesca Cavalieri - Mariano Venanzi - Palumbo V. - Scimeca M. - Bernardini R. - Mattei M. - Migliore A. - Rinaldi A.A Supramolecular Wire Able to Self-Assemble on Gold Surface: Controlling the Film Length to Optimize the Device Lifetime and Electron Transfer Efficiency
- Kubitzky S. - Raffaella Lettieri - Passaretti E. - Mariano Venanzi - De Zotti M. - Claudia Mazzuca - Placidi E. - Emanuela GattoNew Insights in the Computational pKb Determination of Primary Amines and Anilines
- Pezzola S. - Mariano Venanzi - Conte V. - Sabuzi F. - Galloni P.Towards the “Eldorado” of pKa Determination: A Reliable and Rapid DFT Model
- Pezzola S. - Mariano Venanzi - Galloni P. - Conte V. - Sabuzi F.A Spectroscopic and Molecular Dynamics Study on the Aggregation Properties of a Lipopeptide Analogue of Liraglutide, a Therapeutic Peptide against Diabetes Type 2
- Giannetti M. - Antonio Palleschi - Ricciardi B. - Mariano VenanziEasy to Use DFT Approach for Computational pKa Determination of Carboxylic Acids
- Pezzola S. - Mariano Venanzi - Galloni P. - Conte V. - Sabuzi F.Alginate Microsponges as a Scaffold for Delivery of a Therapeutic Peptide against Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Ariaudo D. - Francesca Cavalieri - Rinaldi A. - Aguilera A. - Lopez M. - Perez H.G. - Felipe A. - del Carmen Dominguez M. - Ruiz O. - Martinez G. - Mariano VenanziPeptide-bridged bis-porphyrin compounds: A photophysical and molecular dynamics study
- Rita Cimino - Emanuela Gatto - De Zotti M. - Formaggio F. - Toniolo C. - Giannetti M. - Antonio Palleschi - Serpa C. - Mariano VenanziNon-Conventional Peptide Self-Assembly into a Conductive Supramolecular Rope
- Forlano N. - Bucci R. - Contini A. - Mariano Venanzi - Placidi E. - Gelmi M.L. - Raffaella Lettieri - Emanuela GattoAggregation properties of a therapeutic peptide for rheumatoid arthritis: A spectroscopic and molecular dynamics study
- Rita Cimino - Marco Savioli - Carrante N.F. - Placidi E. - Garay-Perez H. - López-Abad M. - Lasa A.M. - Domínguez-Horta M.D.C. - Emanuela Gatto - Francesca Cavalieri - Gianfranco Bocchinfuso - Mariano VenanziAn Accurate Approach for Computational pKa Determination of Phenolic Compounds
- Pezzola S. - Tarallo S. - Iannini A. - Mariano Venanzi - Galloni P. - Conte V. - Sabuzi F.Peptide Materials in Dye Sensitized Solar Cells
- Emanuela Gatto - Raffaella Lettieri - Vesce L. - Mariano VenanziNew Advances in Short Peptides: Looking Forward
- Apostolopoulos V. - Bojarska J. - Chai T.T. - Feehan J. - Kaczmarek K. - Matsoukas J.M. - Lopez O.P. - Saviano M. - Skwarczynski M. - Smith-Carpenter J. - Mariano Venanzi - Wolf W.M. - Zielenkiewicz P. - Ziora Z.M.Seeding Chiral Ensembles of Prolinated Porphyrin Derivatives on Glass Surface: Simple and Rapid Access to Chiral Porphyrin Films
- Magna G. - Traini T. - Naitana M.L. - Bussetti G. - Domenici F. - Gaio Paradossi - Mariano Venanzi - Di Natale C. - Paolesse R. - Monti D. - Stefanelli M.Peptide Self‐Assembled Nanostructures: From Models to Therapeutic Peptides
- Emanuela Gatto - Toniolo C. - Mariano VenanziFormulation matters! A spectroscopic and molecular dynamics investigation on the peptide CIGB552 as itself and in its therapeutical formulation
- Marco Savioli - Antonelli L. - Gianfranco Bocchinfuso - Francesca Cavalieri - Rita Cimino - Emanuela Gatto - Placidi E. - Fernandez Masso J.R. - Garay Perez H. - Santana H. - Guerra-Vallespi M. - Mariano VenanziA pH-Induced Reversible Conformational Switch Able to Control the Photocurrent Efficiency in a Peptide Supramolecular System
- Kubitzky S. - Mariano Venanzi - Biondi B. - Raffaella Lettieri - De Zotti M. - Emanuela GattoFabrication of Langmuir-Blodgett chiral films from cationic (L)-proline-porphyrin derivatives
- Colozza N. - Stefanelli M. - Mariano Venanzi - Paolesse R. - Monti D.Tuning the morphology of mesoscopic structures of porphyrin macrocycles functionalized by an antimicrobial peptide
- Rita Cimino - Grelloni E. - Magna G. - Monti D. - Stefanelli M. - Emanuela Gatto - Placidi E. - Biscaglia F. - Gobbo M. - Mariano VenanziNanoporous microsponge particles (NMP) of polysaccharides as universal carriers for biomolecules delivery
- Caso M.F. - Carotenuto F. - Di Nardo P. - Migliore A. - Aguilera A. - Lopez C.M. - Mariano Venanzi - Francesca Cavalieri - Rinaldi A.Dissecting the intracellular signalling and fate of a DNA nanosensor by super-resolution and quantitative microscopy
- Glab A. - Bertucci A. - Martino F. - Wojnilowicz M. - Amodio A. - Mariano Venanzi - Ricci F. - Forte G. - Caruso F. - Francesca CavalieriThe self-aggregation of porphyrins with multiple chiral centers in organic/aqueous media: The case of sugar: The steroid-porphyrin conjugates
- Stefanelli M. - Mandoj F. - Magna G. - Raffaella Lettieri - Mariano Venanzi - Paolesse R. - Monti D.Porphyrins Through the Looking Glass: Spectroscopic and Mechanistic Insights in Supramolecular Chirogenesis of New Self-Assembled Porphyrin Derivatives
- Stefanelli M. - Marco Savioli - Zurlo F. - Magna G. - Belviso S. - Marsico G. - Superchi S. - Mariano Venanzi - Di Natale C. - Paolesse R. - Monti D.Tunable supramolecular chirogenesis in the self-assembling of amphiphilic porphyrin triggered by chiral amines
- Marco Savioli - Stefanelli M. - Magna G. - Zurlo F. - Caso M.F. - Rita Cimino - Goletti C. - Mariano Venanzi - Natale C.D. - Paolesse R. - Monti D.A spectroscopic and molecular dynamics study on the aggregation process of a long-acting lipidated therapeutic peptide: The case of semaglutide
- Mariano Venanzi - Marco Savioli - Rita Cimino - Emanuela Gatto - Antonio Palleschi - Ripani G. - Cicero D. - Placidi E. - Orvieto F. - Bianchi E.Kinetic and spectroscopic studies on the chiral self-aggregation of amphiphilic zinc and copper (l)-prolinate-tetraarylporphyrin derivatives in different aqueous media
- Caroleo F. - Stefanelli M. - Magna G. - Mariano Venanzi - Paolesse R. - Sennato S. - Carbone M. - Monti D.Chiral Selectivity of Porphyrin-ZnO Nanoparticle Conjugates
- Stefanelli M. - Magna G. - Zurlo F. - Caso F.M. - Di Bartolomeo E. - Antonaroli S. - Mariano Venanzi - Paolesse R. - Di Natale C. - Monti D.Fabrication of Langmuir-Blodgett chiral films from cationic (L)-proline-porphyrin derivatives
- Colozza N. - Stefanelli M. - Mariano Venanzi - Paolesse R. - Monti D.Building Supramolecular DNA-Inspired Nanowires on Gold Surfaces: From 2D to 3D
- Emanuela Gatto - Kubitzky S. - Schriever M. - Cesaroni S. - Claudia Mazzuca - Marafon G. - Mariano Venanzi - De Zotti M.Hierarchical Self-Assembly of Peptides and its Applications in Bionanotechnology
- Gerbelli B.B. - Vassiliades S.V. - Rojas J.E.U. - Pelin J.N.B.D. - Mancini R.S.N. - Pereira W.S.G. - Aguilar A.M. - Mariano Venanzi - Francesca Cavalieri - Giuntini F. - Alves W.A.Controlling the Formation of Peptide Films: Fully Developed Helical Peptides are Required to Obtain a Homogenous Coating over a Large Area
- De Zotti M. - Corvi G. - Emanuela Gatto - Di Napoli B. - Claudia Mazzuca - Antonio Palleschi - Placidi E. - Biondi B. - Crisma M. - Formaggio F. - Toniolo C. - Mariano VenanziSensing of diclofenac by a porphyrin-based artificial receptor
- Intrieri D. - Damiano C. - Rizzato S. - Paolesse R. - Mariano Venanzi - Monti D. - Marco Savioli - Stefanelli M. - Gallo E.Behavior of a Peptide during a Langmuir-Blodgett Compression Isotherm: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study
- Di Napoli B. - Claudia Mazzuca - Conflitti P. - Mariano Venanzi - Antonio PalleschiFluorescence and computational studies of thymidine phosphorylase affinity toward lipidated 5-FU derivatives
- Raffaella Lettieri - D'Abramo M. - Lorenzo Stella - La Bella A. - Leonelli F. - Giansanti L. - Mariano Venanzi - Emanuela GattoTuning the Morphology of Nanostructured Peptide Films by the Introduction of a Secondary Structure Conformational Constraint: A Case Study of Hierarchical Self-Assembly
- De Zotti M. - Muzzi B. - Emanuela Gatto - Di Napoli B. - Claudia Mazzuca - Antonio Palleschi - Placidi E. - Formaggio F. - Toniolo C. - Mariano VenanziHybrid Conjugates Formed between Gold Nanoparticles and an Amyloidogenic Diphenylalanine-Cysteine Peptide
- Pelin J. - Emanuela Gatto - Mariano Venanzi - Francesca Cavalieri - Oliveira C. - Martinho H. - Silva E. - Aguilar A. - Souza J. - Alves W.The several facets of trichogin GA IV: High affinity tb(III) binding properties. a spectroscopic and molecular dynamics simulation study
- Emanuela Gatto - Palleschi M.E. - Zangrilli B. - De Zotti M. - Di Napoli B. - Antonio Palleschi - Claudia Mazzuca - Formaggio F. - Toniolo C. - Mariano VenanziHierarchical transfer of chiral information from the molecular to the mesoscopic scale by Langmuir-Blodgett deposition of tetrasteroid-porphyrins
- Raffaella Lettieri - Cardová L. - Emanuela Gatto - Claudia Mazzuca - Monti D. - Antonio Palleschi - Placidi E. - Drašar P. - Mariano VenanziThe importance of being Aib. Aggregation and self-assembly studies on conformationally constrained oligopeptides
- Mariano Venanzi - Emanuela Gatto - Formaggio F. - Toniolo C.The aggregation of amphiphilic (L)-proline-porphyrin derivatives in ethanol-water mixtures promoted by chiral anionic surfactants
- Stefanelli M. - Coticone R. - Sbardella P. - Ceccacci F. - Mancini G. - Mandoj F. - Paolesse R. - Mariano Venanzi - Monti D. A bioinspired dye sensitized solar cell based on a rhodamine-functionalized peptide immobilized on nanocrystalline TiO
KuQuinones: A new class of quinoid compounds as photoactive species on ITO
- Sabuzi F. - Armuzza V. - Conte V. - Floris B. - Mariano Venanzi - Galloni P. - Emanuela GattoThe electrochemistry of peptide self-assembled monolayers
- Emanuela Gatto - Caruso M. - Mariano VenanziDesign of lipidic platforms anchored within nanometric cavities by peptide hooks
- Grazia Maria Lucia Messina - De Zotti M. - Raffaella Lettieri - Emanuela Gatto - Mariano Venanzi - Formaggio F. - Toniolo C. - Giovanni Marletta Deposition of tetraferrocenylporphyrins on ITO surfaces for photo-catalytic O
A combined approach for predicting the cytotoxic effect of drug-nanoaggregates
- Wojnilowicz M. - Tortora M. - Bobay B.G. - Santiso E. - Caruso M. - Laura Micheli - Mariano Venanzi - Menegatti S. - Francesca CavalieriPorphyrins with directly meso -attached disaccharide moieties: Synthesis, self-assembly and cellular study
- Malachowska M. - Sperduto C. - Darmostuk M. - Monti D. - Mariano Venanzi - Mancini G. - D'Acunto C. - Králová J. - Ruml T. - Wimmer Z. - Drašar P.Are two better than one? A new approach for multidentate grafting of peptides to a gold substrate
- Caruso M. - Emanuela Gatto - Antonio Palleschi - Scarselli M. - De Crescenzi M. - Formaggio F. - Longo E. - Toniolo C. - Wright K. - Mariano VenanziDPPTE Thiolipid Self-Assembled Monolayer: A Critical Assay
- Raffaella Lettieri - Di Giorgio F. - Colella A. - Magnusson R. - Bjorefors F. - Placidi E. - Antonio Palleschi - Mariano Venanzi - Emanuela Gatto