Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science


Here you can find the updated list of all the publications of CSGI members and affilated staff. Please note that the only publications listed here are those published after the affilation of each member. If you are interested in the whole bibliography of CSGI members, including articles and books published before affilation to CSGI, please refer to academic research databases, such as Scopus, Web Of Science, Google Scholar, ect.

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A decision-making tool for navigating extracellular vesicle research and product development

- Loria F. - Picciotto S. - Adamo G. - Andrea Zendrini - Raccosta S. - Manno M. - Paolo Bergese - Liguori G.L. - Bongiovanni A. - Zarovni N.
Journal of Extracellular Vesicles

Extracellular vesicles of different cellular origin feature distinct biomolecular corona dynamics

- Angelo Musicò - Andrea Zendrini - Reyes S.G. - Mangolini V. - Lucia Paolini - Miriam Romano - Papait A. - Silini A.R. - Di Gianvincenzo P. - Neva A. - Marina Cretich - Parolini O. - Almici C. - Moya S.E. - Annalisa Radeghieri - Paolo Bergese
Nanoscale Horizons

Addressing Heterogeneity in Direct Analysis of Extracellular Vesicles and Their Analogs by Membrane Sensing Peptides as Pan-Vesicular Affinity Probes

- Gori A. - Frigerio R. - Gagni P. - Burrello J. - Panella S. - Raimondi A. - Bergamaschi G. - Lodigiani G. - Miriam Romano - Andrea Zendrini - Annalisa Radeghieri - Barile L. - Marina Cretich
Advanced Science

Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles (MISEV2023): From basic to advanced approaches

- Welsh J.A. - Goberdhan D.C.I. - O’Driscoll L. - Buzas E.I. - Blenkiron C. - Bussolati B. - Cai H. - Di Vizio D. - Driedonks T.A.P. - Erdbrügger U. - Falcon-Perez J.M. - Fu Q.L. - Hill A.F. - Lenassi M. - Lim S.K. - Mahoney M.ỹ.G. - Mohanty S. - Möller A. - Nieuwland R. - Ochiya T. - Sahoo S. - Torrecilhas A.C. - Zheng L. - Zijlstra A. - Abuelreich S. - Bagabas R. - Paolo Bergese - Bridges E.M. - Marco Brucale - Burger D. - Carney R.P. - Cocucci E. - Crescitelli R. - Hanser E. - Harris A.L. - Haughey N.J. - Hendrix A. - Ivanov A.R. - Jovanovic-Talisman T. - Kruh-Garcia N.A. - Faustino V.K.L. - Kyburz D. - Lässer C. - Lennon K.M. - Lötvall J. - Maddox A.L. - Martens-Uzunova E.S. - Mizenko R.R. - Newman L.A. - Andrea Ridolfi - Rohde E. - Rojalin T. - Rowland A. - Saftics A. - Sandau U.S. - Saugstad J.A. - Shekari F. - Swift S. - Ter-Ovanesyan D. - Tosar J.P. - Useckaite Z. - Francesco Valle - Varga Z. - van der Pol E. - van Herwijnen M.J.C. - Wauben M.H.M. - Wehman A.M. - Williams S. - Andrea Zendrini - Zimmerman A.J. - Théry C. - Witwer K.W. - Ahmad S. - Ahmed D.A.K. - Ahmed S.H. - Aikawa E. - Akbar N. - Akiyoshi K. - Al-Adra D.P. - Al-Masawa M.E. - Albanese M. - Alberro A. - Alcaraz M.J. - Alexander-Brett J. - Alexander K.L. - Ali N. - Alibhai F.J. - Allelein S. - Allenby M.C. - Almeida F. - de Almeida L.P. - Almousa S.W. - Altan-Bonnet N. - Altei W.F. - Alvarez-Llamas G. - Alvarez C.L. - An H.J. - Anand K. - Andaloussi S.E.L. - Anderson J.D.
Journal of extracellular vesicles



Active antithrombin glycoforms are selectively physiosorbed on plasma extracellular vesicles

- Annalisa Radeghieri - Alacqua S. - Andrea Zendrini - Previcini V. - Todaro F. - Martini G. - Ricotta D. - Paolo Bergese
Journal of Extracellular Biology

On the surface-to-bulk partition of proteins in extracellular vesicles

- Andrea Zendrini - Guerra G. - Sagini K. - Vagner T. - Di Vizio D. - Paolo Bergese
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces


One-day molecular detection of salmonella and campylobacter in chicken meat: A pilot study

- Andrea Zendrini - Carta V. - Filipello V. - Ragni L. - Cosciani-Cunico E. - Arnaboldi S. - Bertasi B. - Franceschi N. - Ajmone-Marsan P. - De Medici D. - Losio M.N.


Extracellular vesicles in regenerative medicine

- Miriam Romano - Andrea Zendrini - Lucia Paolini - Busatto S. - Berardi A.C. - Paolo Bergese - Annalisa Radeghieri
Nanomaterials for Theranostics and Tissue Engineering: Techniques, Trends and Applications

Extracellular vesicles from rat-bone-marrow mesenchymal stromal/stem cells improve tendon repair in rat Achilles tendon injury model in dose-dependent manner: A pilot study

- Gissi C. - Annalisa Radeghieri - Lamorgese Passeri C.A. - Gallorini M. - Calciano L. - Oliva F. - Veronesi F. - Andrea Zendrini - Cataldi A. - Paolo Bergese - Maffulli N. - Berardi A.C.


Endogenous exosome labelling with an amphiphilic NIR-fluorescent probe

- Monopoli M.P. - Andrea Zendrini - Wu D. - Cheung S. - Sampedro G. - Ffrench B. - Nolan J. - Piskareva O. - Stalings R.L. - Ducoli S. - Paolo Bergese - O'Shea D.F.
Chemical Communications



Merging colloidal nanoplasmonics and surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy for enhanced profiling of multiple myeloma-derived exosomes

- Di Noto G. - Bugatti A. - Andrea Zendrini - Mazzoldi E. - Montanelli A. - Caimi L. - Rusnati M. - Ricotta D. - Paolo Bergese
Biosensors and Bioelectronics

Residual matrix from different separation techniques impacts exosome biological activity

- Lucia Paolini - Andrea Zendrini - Noto G. - Busatto S. - Lottini E. - Annalisa Radeghieri - Dossi A. - Caneschi A. - Ricotta D. - Paolo Bergese
Scientific Reports