Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science


Here you can find the updated list of all the publications of CSGI members and affilated staff. Please note that the only publications listed here are those published after the affilation of each member. If you are interested in the whole bibliography of CSGI members, including articles and books published before affilation to CSGI, please refer to academic research databases, such as Scopus, Web Of Science, Google Scholar, ect.

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Helminth extracellular vesicles co-opt host monocytes to drive T cell anergy

- Borup A. - Sharifpour M.F. - Rossen L.S. - Whitehead B. - Boysen A.T. - Olesen R. - Bohn A.B. - Andrea Ridolfi - Marco Brucale - Francesco Valle - Paolini L. - Annalisa Radeghieri - Paolo Bergese - Miles K. - Veitch M. - Thomas T. - Ruscher R. - Wangchuk P. - Giacomin P. - Loukas A. - Nejsum P.
Journal of Extracellular Vesicles


Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles (MISEV2023): From basic to advanced approaches

- Welsh J.A. - Goberdhan D.C.I. - O’Driscoll L. - Buzas E.I. - Blenkiron C. - Bussolati B. - Cai H. - Di Vizio D. - Driedonks T.A.P. - Erdbrügger U. - Falcon-Perez J.M. - Fu Q.L. - Hill A.F. - Lenassi M. - Lim S.K. - Mahoney M.ỹ.G. - Mohanty S. - Möller A. - Nieuwland R. - Ochiya T. - Sahoo S. - Torrecilhas A.C. - Zheng L. - Zijlstra A. - Abuelreich S. - Bagabas R. - Paolo Bergese - Bridges E.M. - Marco Brucale - Burger D. - Carney R.P. - Cocucci E. - Crescitelli R. - Hanser E. - Harris A.L. - Haughey N.J. - Hendrix A. - Ivanov A.R. - Jovanovic-Talisman T. - Kruh-Garcia N.A. - Faustino V.K.L. - Kyburz D. - Lässer C. - Lennon K.M. - Lötvall J. - Maddox A.L. - Martens-Uzunova E.S. - Mizenko R.R. - Newman L.A. - Andrea Ridolfi - Rohde E. - Rojalin T. - Rowland A. - Saftics A. - Sandau U.S. - Saugstad J.A. - Shekari F. - Swift S. - Ter-Ovanesyan D. - Tosar J.P. - Useckaite Z. - Francesco Valle - Varga Z. - van der Pol E. - van Herwijnen M.J.C. - Wauben M.H.M. - Wehman A.M. - Williams S. - Andrea Zendrini - Zimmerman A.J. - Théry C. - Witwer K.W. - Ahmad S. - Ahmed D.A.K. - Ahmed S.H. - Aikawa E. - Akbar N. - Akiyoshi K. - Al-Adra D.P. - Al-Masawa M.E. - Albanese M. - Alberro A. - Alcaraz M.J. - Alexander-Brett J. - Alexander K.L. - Ali N. - Alibhai F.J. - Allelein S. - Allenby M.C. - Almeida F. - de Almeida L.P. - Almousa S.W. - Altan-Bonnet N. - Altei W.F. - Alvarez-Llamas G. - Alvarez C.L. - An H.J. - Anand K. - Andaloussi S.E.L. - Anderson J.D.
Journal of extracellular vesicles


Physical association of low density lipoprotein particles and extracellular vesicles unveiled by single particle analysis

- Lozano-Andrés E. - Enciso-Martinez A. - Gijsbers A. - Andrea Ridolfi - Van Niel G. - Libregts S.F.W.M. - Pinheiro C. - van Herwijnen M.J.C. - Hendrix A. - Marco Brucale - Francesco Valle - Peters P.J. - Otto C. - Arkesteijn G.J.A. - Wauben M.H.M.
Journal of Extracellular Vesicles

Electrostatic interactions control the adsorption of extracellular vesicles onto supported lipid bilayers

- Andrea Ridolfi - Jacopo Cardellini - Gashi F. - van Herwijnen M.J.C. - Trulsson M. - Campos-Terán J. - H. M. Wauben M. - Debora Berti - Nylander T. - Stenhammar J.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science


Interaction of nanoparticles with lipid films: the role of symmetry and shape anisotropy

- Lucrezia Caselli - Andrea Ridolfi - Mangiapia G. - Maltoni P. - Moulin J.F. - Debora Berti - Steinke N.J. - Gustafsson E. - Nylander T. - Costanza Montis
Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP


Small extracellular vesicles from malignant ascites of patients with advanced ovarian cancer provide insights into the dynamics of the extracellular matrix

- Bortot B. - Apollonio M. - Rampazzo E. - Francesco Valle - Marco Brucale - Andrea Ridolfi - Ura B. - Addobbati R. - Di Lorenzo G. - Romano F. - Buonomo F. - Ripepi C. - Ricci G. - Biffi S.
Molecular Oncology

Two dimensional-difference in gel electrophoresis (2d-dige) proteomic approach for the identification of biomarkers in endometrial cancer serum

- Ura B. - Biffi S. - Monasta L. - Arrigoni G. - Battisti I. - Di Lorenzo G. - Romano F. - Aloisio M. - Celsi F. - Addobbati R. - Francesco Valle - Rampazzo E. - Marco Brucale - Andrea Ridolfi - Licastro D. - Ricci G.

Nanoanalytical analysis of bisphosphonate-driven alterations of microcalcifications using a 3D hydrogel system and in vivo mouse model

- Ruiz J.L. - Hutcheson J.D. - Cardoso L. - Nik A.B. - de Abreu A.C. - Pham T. - Buffolo F. - Busatto S. - Federici S. - Andrea Ridolfi - Aikawa M. - Bertazzo S. - Paolo Bergese - Weinbaum S. - Aikawa E.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America


AFM-Based High-Throughput Nanomechanical Screening of Single Extracellular Vesicles

- Andrea Ridolfi - Marco Brucale - Costanza Montis - Lucrezia Caselli - Lucia Paolini - Borup A. - Boysen A.T. - Loria F. - Van Herwijnen M.J.C. - Kleinjan M. - Nejsum P. - Zarovni N. - Wauben M.H.M. - Debora Berti - Paolo Bergese - Francesco Valle
Analytical Chemistry


Exploitation of a novel biosensor based on the full-length human F508del-CFTR with computational studies, biochemical and biological assays for the characterization of a new Lumacaftor/Tezacaftor analogue

- D'Ursi P. - Uggeri M. - Urbinati C. - Millo E. - Paiardi G. - Milanesi L. - Ford R.C. - Clews J. - Meng X. - Paolo Bergese - Andrea Ridolfi - Pedemonte N. - Fossa P. - Orro A. - Rusnati M.
Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical