Position: alumni
Email: patrizia.andreozzi@unifi.it
Location: Florence
Supramolecular dextran/polyamine phosphate nanocapsules with smart responsiveness for encapsulation of therapeutics
- Steffè A. - Milano F. - Reyes S.G. - Buco F. - Leonetti R. - Roque-Diaz Y. - Zuffi S. - Di Gianvincenzo P. - Cortese A.R. - Ritacco H. - Patrizia Andreozzi - Ortore M.G. - Moya S.E. - Marradi M.Biocompatible cellulose nanocrystal-based Trojan horse enables targeted delivery of nano-Au radiosensitizers to triple negative breast cancer cells
- Giacomo Biagiotti - Cazzoli R. - Patrizia Andreozzi - Aresta G. - Francesco M. - Mangini C. - di Gianvincenzo P. - Tobia C. - Recchia S. - Polito L. - Severi M. - Vittorio O. - Cicchi S. - Moya S.E. - Ronca R. - Albini A. - Debora Berti - Orecchia R. - Garibaldi C. - Minucci S. - Barbara RichichiA study of complexation and biological fate of polyethyleneimine-siRNA polyplexes in vitro and in vivo by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and positron emission tomography imaging
- Ludtke T. - Simó C. - Gimenez Reyes S. - Martinez Moro M. - Salvador C. - Ritacco H. - Patrizia Andreozzi - Llop J. - Moya S.E.Gold nanoparticles decorated with monosaccharides and sulfated ligands as potential modulators of the lysosomal enzyme N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfatase (GALNS)
- Buco F. - Matassini C. - Vanni C. - Clemente F. - Paoli P. - Carozzini C. - Beni A. - Cardona F. - Goti A. - Moya S.E. - Ortore M.G. - Patrizia Andreozzi - Morrone A. - Marradi M.Positron Emission Tomography Studies of the Biodistribution, Translocation, and Fate of Poly Allyl Amine-Based Carriers for Sirna Delivery by Systemic and Intratumoral Administration.
- Simo C. - Salvador C. - Patrizia Andreozzi - Gomez-Vallejo V. - Romero G. - Dupin D. - Llop J. - Moya S.E.Simple engineering of hybrid cellulose nanocrystal-gold nanoparticles results in a functional glyconanomaterial with biomolecular recognition properties
- Giacomo Biagiotti - Toniolo G. - Albino M. - Severi M. - Patrizia Andreozzi - Marelli M. - Kokot H. - Tria G. - Guerri A. - Sangregorio C. - Rojo J. - Debora Berti - Marradi M. - Cicchi S. - Urbančič I. - van Kooyk Y. - Chiodo F. - Barbara RichichiCore vs. surface labelling of mesoporous silica nanoparticles: advancing the understanding of nanoparticle fate and design of labelling strategies
- Ramírez M.d.l.Á. - Martínez-Villacorta Á.M. - Gómez-Vallejo V. - Patrizia Andreozzi - Soler-Illia G. - Llop J. - Moya S.E.Self-Assembled Oleic Acid-Modified Polyallylamines for Improved siRNA Transfection Efficiency and Lower Cytotoxicity
- Salvador C. - Patrizia Andreozzi - Romero G. - Loinaz I. - Dupin D. - Moya S.E.Impact of PEGylation on the degradation and pore organization in mesoporous silica nanoparticles: A study of the inner mesoporous structure in physiologically relevant ionic conditions
- Ramírez M.d.l.Á. - Bindini E. - Moretti P. - Soler Illia G.J.A.A. - Amenitsch H. - Patrizia Andreozzi - Ortore M.G. - Moya S.E.Solid lipid nanoparticles loaded with curcumin: development and in vitro toxicity against CT26 cells
- Ganassin R. - Da Silva V.C.M. - Araujo V.H.S. - Tavares G.R. - Da Silva P.B. - Cáceres-Vélez P.R. - Porcel J.E.M. - Rodrigues M.C. - Patrizia Andreozzi - Fernandes R.P. - Fonseca-Santos B. - Moya S. - Azevedo R.B. - Chorilli M. - Muehlmann L.A.Consorzio interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Department of Chemistry, University of Florence - Via della Lastruccia 3 50019 - Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
Fiscal code/VAT ID: 04519240487
PEC : consorzio_csgi@pec.it
Filippo Baldereschi
Emanuela Grassi
Irene Trapani
Manola Trastulli
Patrizia Zitelli
Michele Baglioni
Giovanna Poggi
Fabio Nicoli (Website designer)