Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science


Here you can find the updated list of all the publications of CSGI members and affilated staff. Please note that the only publications listed here are those published after the affilation of each member. If you are interested in the whole bibliography of CSGI members, including articles and books published before affilation to CSGI, please refer to academic research databases, such as Scopus, Web Of Science, Google Scholar, ect.

You can use the search bar below to filter the publication list.


Made in Italy Eco-Designed Products from Stone Waste: The STONE Project

- Fatiguso F. - Corrao R. - Trapani V. - Poli T. - Guida A. - Monica Tonelli - Bronco S. - Bosia D. - Lotti G.
Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering



Effect of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet Treatments on Magnesium Phosphate Cements: Performance, Characterization, and Applications

- Rita Gelli - Monica Tonelli - Francesca Ridi - Terefinko D. - Dzimitrowicz A. - Pohl P. - Bielawska-Pohl A. - Jamroz P. - Klimczak A. - Massimo Bonini
ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering


Effect of borax on the hydration and setting of magnesium phosphate cements

- Rita Gelli - Monica Tonelli - Martini F. - Calucci L. - Borsacchi S. - Francesca Ridi
Construction and Building Materials






Traditional Portland cement and MgO-based cement: a promising combination?

- Monica Tonelli - Martini F. - Calucci L. - Marco Geppi - Borsacchi S. - Francesca Ridi
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth


Engineering the magnetic coupling and anisotropy at the molecule-magnetic surface interface in molecular spintronic devices

- Campbell V.E. - Monica Tonelli - Cimatti I. - Moussy J.B. - Tortech L. - Dappe Y.J. - Rivière E. - Guillot R. - Delprat S. - Mattana R. - Seneor P. - Ohresser P. - Choueikani F. - Otero E. - Koprowiak F. - Chilkuri V.G. - Suaud N. - Guihéry N. - Galtayries A. - Miserque F. - Arrio M.A. - Sainctavit P. - Mallah T.
Nature Communications