Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science


Here you can find the updated list of all the publications of CSGI members and affilated staff. Please note that the only publications listed here are those published after the affilation of each member. If you are interested in the whole bibliography of CSGI members, including articles and books published before affilation to CSGI, please refer to academic research databases, such as Scopus, Web Of Science, Google Scholar, ect.

You can use the search bar below to filter the publication list.



Corrosion behavior assessment of an Al-Cu alloy manufactured via laser powder bed fusion

- Sergio Lorenzi - Alessandro Carrozza - Cabrini M. - Nani L. - Andreatta F. - Virtanen E. - Tirelli T. - Tommaso Pastore
Corrosion Science


A Probe into the Corrosion Behavior of a WE43B Magnesium Alloy in a Simulated Body Fluid using Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy

- Gerengi H. - Sergio Lorenzi - Solomon M.M. - Slepski P. - Gratton S. - Cabrini M.
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance



- Cabrini M. - Carugo F. - Alessandro Carrozza - Sergio Lorenzi - Tommaso Pastore - Barbieri G. - Cognini F.
ESSC and DUPLEX 2022 - 11th European Stainless Steel Conference - Science and Market and 7th European Duplex Stainless Steel Conference and Exhibition

Study of CO2 condense corrosion

- Sergio Lorenzi - Cabrini M. - Carugo F. - Tommaso Pastore
Metallurgia Italiana

Effect of strain rate on stress corrosion cracking of aluminium alloys friction stir welded

- Sergio Lorenzi - Galizzi N. - Cabrini M. - Bocchi S. - D'Urso G. - Giardini C. - Testa C. - Tommaso Pastore
Metallurgia Italiana

The Improvement of Durability of Reinforced Concretes for Sustainable Structures: A Review on Different Approaches

- Luigi Coppola - Beretta S. - Bignozzi M.C. - Bolzoni F. - Brenna A. - Cabrini M. - Candamano S. - Caputo D. - Carsana M. - Cioffi R. - Denny Coffetti - Colangelo F. - Crea F. - De Gisi S. - Diamanti M.V. - Ferone C. - Frontera P. - Gastaldi M.M. - Labianca C. - Lollini F. - Sergio Lorenzi - Manzi S. - Marroccoli M. - Notarnicola M. - Ormellese M. - Tommaso Pastore - Pedeferri M. - Petrella A. - Redaelli E. - Roviello G. - Telesca A. - Todaro F.


Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and selective corrosion of lpbf-alsi10mg by means of skpfm and exo-electron emission

- Cabrini M. - Sergio Lorenzi - Testa C. - Manfredi D. - Lombardi M. - Aversa A. - Andreatta F. - Fedrizzi L. - Dekhtyar Y. - Sorokins H. - Tommaso Pastore

Stress corrosion cracking of additively manufactured alloy 625

- Cabrini M. - Sergio Lorenzi - Testa C. - Carugo F. - Tommaso Pastore - Manfredi D. - Biamino S. - Marchese G. - Parizia S. - Scenini F.

Pack rust corrosion evaluation on historical riveted steel bridges

- Sergio Lorenzi - Cabrini M. - Luigi Coppola - Ferrari C. - Ferrari R. - Rizzi E. - Tommaso Pastore - Spirolazzi G. - Pisanelli G. - Cioffi C. - Lizzori E.
Metallurgia Italiana

Stress corrosion cracking of a friction stir welded precipitation hardening aluminum alloy

- Cabrini M. - Sergio Lorenzi - Tommaso Pastore - Testa C. - Galizzi N. - Carugo F. - Bocchi S. - D'Urso G. - Giardini C.
Metallurgia Italiana


Corrosion behavior of Ti6Al4V alloy for biomedicals application manufactured by Additive Manufacturing

- Testa C. - Cabrini M. - Sergio Lorenzi - Tommaso Pastore - Manfredi D. - Lorusso M. - Calignano F. - Lombardi M.
Metallurgia Italiana

Independent, Controllable Stretch-Perfusion Bioreactor Chambers to Functionalize Cell-Seeded Decellularized Tendons

- Talò G. - D’Arrigo D. - Sergio Lorenzi - Moretti M. - Lovati A.B.
Annals of Biomedical Engineering

Stress enhanced intergranular corrosion of friction stir welded AA2024-T3

- Bocchi S. - Cabrini M. - D'Urso G. - Giardini C. - Sergio Lorenzi - Tommaso Pastore
Engineering Failure Analysis

Corrosion phenomena of historic metallic infrastructures

- Tommaso Pastore - Cabrini M. - Sergio Lorenzi - Rizzi E. - Ferrari R. - Luigi Coppola - Spirolazzi G. - Pisanelli G. - Cioffi C. - Lizzori E.
Metallurgia Italiana

Hydrogen permeation in X65 steel under cyclic loading

- Cabrini M. - Luigi Coppola - Sergio Lorenzi - Testa C. - Carugo F. - Bucella D.P. - Tommaso Pastore

Stress corrosion cracking of friction stir-welded AA-2024 T3 alloy

- Cabrini M. - Bocchi S. - D'Urso G. - Giardini C. - Sergio Lorenzi - Testa C. - Tommaso Pastore

Micro-EDM milling of zirconium carbide ceramics

- D'Urso G. - Giardini C. - Sergio Lorenzi - Quarto M. - Sciti D. - Silvestroni L.
Precision Engineering


Evaluation of corrosion resistance of alloy 625 obtained by laser powder bed fusion

- Cabrini M. - Sergio Lorenzi - Testa C. - Tommaso Pastore - Brevi F. - Biamino S. - Fino P. - Manfredi D. - Marchese G. - Calignano F. - Scenini F.
Journal of the Electrochemical Society

Corrosion behavior of AlSi10Mg alloy produced by laser powder bed fusion under chloride exposure

- Cabrini M. - Sergio Lorenzi - Tommaso Pastore - Testa C. - Manfredi D. - Lorusso M. - Calignano F. - Pavese M. - Andreatta F.
Corrosion Science

Microstructure and selective corrosion of alloy 625 obtained by means of laser powder bed fusion

- Cabrini M. - Sergio Lorenzi - Testa C. - Brevi F. - Biamino S. - Fino P. - Manfredi D. - Marchese G. - Calignano F. - Tommaso Pastore

Corrosion resistance in chloride solution of the AlSi10Mg alloy obtained by means of LPBF

- Cabrini M. - Sergio Lorenzi - Tommaso Pastore - Testa C. - Manfredi D. - Cattano G. - Calignano F.
Surface and Interface Analysis


Development of new tests to assess sulfide stress corrosion cracking of line pipes

- Cabrini M. - Sergio Lorenzi - Tommaso Pastore - Pesenti Bucella D. - Pellegrini G. - Paggi A. - Paravicini Bagliani E. - Darcis P.
Metallurgia Italiana

Corrosion behavior of heat-treated AlSi10Mg manufactured by laser powder bed fusion

- Cabrini M. - Calignano F. - Fino P. - Sergio Lorenzi - Lorusso M. - Manfredi D. - Testa C. - Tommaso Pastore

Binders alternative to Portland cement and waste management for sustainable construction—part 1

- Luigi Coppola - Bellezze T. - Belli A. - Bignozzi M.C. - Bolzoni F. - Brenna A. - Cabrini M. - Candamano S. - Cappai M. - Caputo D. - Carsana M. - Casnedi L. - Cioffi R. - Cocco O. - Denny Coffetti - Colangelo F. - Coppola B. - Corinaldesi V. - Crea F. - Elena Crotti - Daniele V. - De Gisi S. - Francesco Delogu - Diamanti M.V. - Di Maio L. - Di Mundo R. - Di Palma L. - Donnini J. - Farina I. - Ferone C. - Frontera P. - Gastaldi M. - Giosuè C. - Incarnato L. - Liguori B. - Lollini F. - Sergio Lorenzi - Manzi S. - Marino O. - Marroccoli M. - Mascolo M.C. - Mavilia L. - Mazzoli A. - Medici F. - Meloni P. - Merlonetti G. - Mobili A. - Notarnicola M. - Ormellese M. - Tommaso Pastore - Pedeferri M.P. - Petrella A. - Giorgio Pia - Redaelli E. - Roviello G. - Scarfato P. - Scoccia G. - Taglieri G. - Telesca A. - Tittarelli F. - Todaro F. - Vilardi G. - Yang F.
Journal of Applied Biomaterials and Functional Materials

Binders alternative to Portland cement and waste management for sustainable construction – Part 2

- Luigi Coppola - Bellezze T. - Belli A. - Bignozzi M.C. - Bolzoni F. - Brenna A. - Cabrini M. - Candamano S. - Cappai M. - Caputo D. - Carsana M. - Casnedi L. - Cioffi R. - Cocco O. - Denny Coffetti - Colangelo F. - Coppola B. - Corinaldesi V. - Crea F. - Elena Crotti - Daniele V. - De Gisi S. - Francesco Delogu - Diamanti M.V. - Di Maio L. - Di Mundo R. - Di Palma L. - Donnini J. - Farina I. - Ferone C. - Frontera P. - Gastaldi M. - Giosuè C. - Incarnato L. - Liguori B. - Lollini F. - Sergio Lorenzi - Manzi S. - Marino O. - Marroccoli M. - Mascolo M.C. - Mavilia L. - Mazzoli A. - Medici F. - Meloni P. - Merlonetti G. - Mobili A. - Notarnicola M. - Ormellese M. - Tommaso Pastore - Pedeferri M.P. - Petrella A. - Giorgio Pia - Redaelli E. - Roviello G. - Scarfato P. - Scoccia G. - Taglieri G. - Telesca A. - Tittarelli F. - Todaro F. - Vilardi G. - Yang F.
Journal of Applied Biomaterials and Functional Materials