Position: Permanent Staff
Email: cinzia.difranco@uniba.it
Phone: +39 080 5442371
Location: Bari
The research activities are focused on the design, fabrication and characterization of devices for optoelectronics and sensors. In particular, scientific activity involves the fabrication and study of the morphological, compositional and electrical properties of devices with sub-micrometric to millimetred- dimensions. Organic thin film transistors based on the use of new materials: organic semiconductors and metal oxide semiconductors have been developed. The sensing structures have been characterized with a multi-dimensional approach based on investigations of microscopy and spectroscopy techniques. The scientific activity is also focused on the development of graphene-based optoelectronic devices for use as modulators in the Terahertz spectral range.
Cinzia Di Franco graduated in Chemistry -summa cum laude- at the University of Bari in 1999. From April 2000 to March 2003 she joined STMicroelectronics, Research and Development Division, as process engineer, working on single photon avalanche photodiodes. From April 2003, she a researcher of CNR, Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnologies. Her research interests are in the fields of analytical chemistry, chem- and bio-sensors, surface spectroscopy and nanomaterials. She is presently attending the PhD school in Chemical and Molecular Sciences, under the supervision of prof. Luisa Torsi. She is the author/co-author of more than 70 papers in peer-reviewed journals with impact factor, chapters on International textbooks, and papers on Conference Proceedings books.
Rapid and Ultra-Sensitive SARS-CoV-2 Subgenomic RNA Detection Using Single-Molecule With a Large Transistor-SiMoT Bioelectronic Platform
- Eleonora Macchia - D'Erchia A.M. - Caputo M. - Bianco A. - Leoni C. - Intranuovo F. - Scandurra C. - Lucia Sarcina - Cinzia Di Franco - Paolo Bollella - Gaetano Scamarcio - Luisa Torsi - Pesole G.Electric Field Cycling of Physisorbed Antibodies Reduces Biolayer Polarization Dispersion
- Cinzia Di Franco - Eleonora Macchia - Catacchio M. - Caputo M. - Scandurra C. - Lucia Sarcina - Paolo Bollella - Angelo Tricase - Massimo Innocenti - Funari R. - Piscitelli M. - Gaetano Scamarcio - Luisa TorsiAn Innovative Biphasic Reaction System for Highly Selective Benzene Hydroxylation based on Photocatalytic Polymer Composites
- Mancuso A. - Rosaria Anna Picca - Margherita Izzi - Cinzia Di Franco - Sacco O. - Vaiano V. - Venditto V.Perspectives on systematic optimization of ultrasensitive biosensors through experimental design
- Caputo M. - Angelo Tricase - Verdiana Marchianò - Scandurra C. - Piscitelli M. - Lucia Sarcina - Catacchio M. - Cinzia Di Franco - Paolo Bollella - Luisa Torsi - Eleonora MacchiaDopamine and Citicoline-Co-Loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles as Multifunctional Nanomedicines for Parkinson’s Disease Treatment by Intranasal Administration
- Castellani S. - Iaconisi G.N. - Tripaldi F. - Porcelli V. - Trapani A. - Messina E. - Guerra L. - Cinzia Di Franco - Maruccio G. - Monteduro A.G. - Corbo F. - Di Gioia S. - Trapani G. - Conese M.Point-Of-Care Ultra-Portable Single-Molecule Bioassays for One-Health
- Eleonora Macchia - Fabrizio Torricelli - Caputo M. - Lucia Sarcina - Scandurra C. - Paolo Bollella - Catacchio M. - Piscitelli M. - Cinzia Di Franco - Gaetano Scamarcio - Luisa TorsiKelvin probe force microscopy on patterned large-area biofunctionalized surfaces: a reliable ultrasensitive platform for biomarker detection
- Cinzia Di Franco - Piscitelli M. - Eleonora Macchia - Scandurra C. - Catacchio M. - Luisa Torsi - Gaetano ScamarcioSingle-Molecule Bioelectronic Sensor: Improving Reliability with Machine Learning Approaches
- Lucia Sarcina - Scandurra C. - Caputo M. - Catacchio M. - Cinzia Di Franco - Paolo Bollella - Maria Chironna - Fabrizio Torricelli - Esposito I. - Osterbacka R. - Gaetano Scamarcio - Eleonora Macchia - Luisa TorsiA Single-Molecule Bioelectronic Portable Array for Early Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer Precursors
- Genco E. - Modena F. - Lucia Sarcina - Björkström K. - Brunetti C. - Caironi M. - Caputo M. - Demartis V.M. - Cinzia Di Franco - Frusconi G. - Haeberle L. - Larizza P. - Mancini M.T. - Österbacka R. - Reeves W. - Gaetano Scamarcio - Scandurra C. - Wheeler M. - Cantatore E. - Esposito I. - Eleonora Macchia - Fabrizio Torricelli - Viola F.A. - Luisa TorsiA stable physisorbed layer of packed capture antibodies for high-performance sensing applications
- Lucia Sarcina - Scandurra C. - Cinzia Di Franco - Caputo M. - Catacchio M. - Paolo Bollella - Gaetano Scamarcio - Eleonora Macchia - Luisa TorsiConsorzio interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Department of Chemistry, University of Florence - Via della Lastruccia 3 50019 - Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
Fiscal code/VAT ID: 04519240487
PEC : consorzio_csgi@pec.it
Filippo Baldereschi
Emanuela Grassi
Irene Trapani
Manola Trastulli
Patrizia Zitelli
Michele Baglioni
Giovanna Poggi
Fabio Nicoli (Website designer)