Here you can find the updated list of all the publications of CSGI members and affilated staff. Please note that the only publications listed here are those published after the affilation of each member. If you are interested in the whole bibliography of CSGI members, including articles and books published before affilation to CSGI, please refer to academic research databases, such as Scopus, Web Of Science, Google Scholar, ect.
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Silver Nanostructures for Determination of FKBP12 Protein †
- Bartolini C. - Tozzetti M. - Menichetti S. - Gabriella CaminatiQuantitative Attribution of the Protective Effects of Aminosterols against Protein Aggregates to Their Chemical Structures and Ability to Modulate Biological Membranes
- Errico S. - Giacomo Lucchesi - Odino D. - Osman E.Y. - Cascella R. - Neri L. - Capitini C. - Calamai M. - Bemporad F. - Cecchi C. - Kinney W.A. - Barbut D. - Relini A. - Canale C. - Gabriella Caminati - Limbocker R. - Vendruscolo M. - Zasloff M. - Chiti F.Reorganization of the outer layer of a model of the plasma membrane induced by a neuroprotective aminosterol
- Barletti B. - Giacomo Lucchesi - Muscat S. - Errico S. - Barbut D. - Danani A. - Zasloff M. - Grasso G. - Chiti F. - Gabriella CaminatiBiosensing Tacrolimus in Human Whole Blood by Using a Drug Receptor Fused to the Emerald Green Fluorescent Protein
- Glahn-Martínez B. - Giacomo Lucchesi - Pradanas-González F. - Manzano A.I. - Canales Á. - Gabriella Caminati - Benito-Peña E. - Moreno-Bondi M.C.Graphene Oxide/Silver Nanoparticles Platforms for the Detection and Discrimination of Native and Fibrillar Lysozyme: A Combined QCM and SERS Approach
- Tramonti V. - Lofrumento C. - Martina M.R. - Giacomo Lucchesi - Gabriella CaminatiMaking biological membrane resistant to the toxicity of misfolded protein oligomers: A lesson from trodusquemine
- Errico S. - Giacomo Lucchesi - Odino D. - Muscat S. - Capitini C. - Bugelli C. - Canale C. - Ferrando R. - Grasso G. - Barbut D. - Calamai M. - Danani A. - Zasloff M. - Relini A. - Gabriella Caminati - Vendruscolo M. - Chiti F.Mounting evidence of FKBP12 implication in neurodegeneration
- Gabriella Caminati - Procacci P.Blocking the FKBP12 induced dendrimeric burst in aberrant aggregation of α-synuclein by using the ElteN378 synthetic inhibitor
- Gabriella Caminati - Martina M. - Menichetti S. - Procacci P.Self-Assembly of Functionalized Oligothiophene into Hygroscopic Fibers: Fabrication of Highly Sensitive and Fast Humidity Sensors
- Squillaci M. - Cipriani A. - Melucci M. - Zambianchi M. - Gabriella Caminati - Samorì P.Graphene oxide/plasmon nanoparticles bilayers for optimized SERS detection
- Banchelli M. - De Angelis M. - Pini R. - Tiribilli B. - Gabriella Caminati - Matteini P.Controlled graphene oxide assembly on silver nanocube monolayers for SERS detection: Dependence on nanocube packing procedure
- Banchelli M. - Tiribilli B. - Pini R. - Luigi Dei - Matteini P. - Gabriella CaminatiControlled Veiling of Silver Nanocubes with Graphene Oxide for Improved Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Detection
- Banchelli M. - Tiribilli B. - De Angelis M. - Pini R. - Gabriella Caminati - Matteini P.Role of Noncovalent Sulfur···Oxygen Interactions in Phenoxyl Radical Stabilization: Synthesis of Super Tocopherol-like Antioxidants
- Menichetti S. - Amorati R. - Meoni V. - Tofani L. - Gabriella Caminati - Viglianisi C.Covering silver nanocube monolayers with graphene oxide sheets: Towards an efficient sers platform
- Banchelli M. - Gabriella Caminati - Tiribilli B. - Pini R. - Matteini P.Efficient nonequilibrium method for binding free energy calculations in molecular dynamics simulations
- Sandberg R. - Banchelli M. - Guardiani C. - Menichetti S. - Gabriella Caminati - Procacci P.Media effects in modulating the conformational equilibrium of a model compound for tumor necrosis factor converting enzyme inhibition
- Banchelli M. - Guardiani C. - Sandberg R. - Menichetti S. - Procacci P. - Gabriella CaminatiGraphene oxide/silver nanocube composites for SERS detection of biomolecules
- Banchelli M. - Tiribilli B. - Pini R. - Matteini P. - Gabriella CaminatiSeparation of Enantiomers of a Phospholipid in Langmuir Monolayers by a New Selector
- Gabriella Caminati - Cicchi S. - Lascialfari L. - Brandi A.Nanolayers for early diagnostics of proteins involved in degenerative amyloidosis
- Martina M. - Mercatelli E. - Piero Baglioni - Gabriella CaminatiThe precise chemical-physical nature of the pharmacore in FK506 binding protein inhibition: ElteX, a new class of nanomolar FKBP12 ligands
- Martina M.R. - Tenori E. - Bizzarri M. - Menichetti S. - Gabriella Caminati - Procacci P.Light-responsive nanocomposite sponges for on demand chemical release with high spatial and dosage control
- Matteini P. - Martina M.R. - Giambastiani G. - Tatini F. - Cascella R. - Ratto F. - Cecchi C. - Gabriella Caminati - Luigi Dei - Pini R.Chemical-physical analysis of a tartrate model compound for TACE inhibition
- Gabriella Caminati - Puggelli M.Interactions of lysozyme with phospholipid vesicles: Effects of vesicle biophysical features on protein misfolding and aggregation
- Al Kayal T. - Russo E. - Pieri L. - Gabriella Caminati - Debora Berti - Bucciantini M. - Stefani M. - Piero BaglioniPlant oil bodies: Novel carriers to deliver lipophilic molecules
- Bonsegna S. - Bettini S. - Pagano R. - Zacheo A. - Vergaro V. - Giovinazzo G. - Gabriella Caminati - Leporatti S. - Valli L. - Santino A.Hybrid laser-activatable gold nanorods-loaded hydrogels for photothermal applications
- Matteini P. - Ratto F. - Rossi F. - Pini R. - Tiribilli B. - Giambastiani G. - Luconi L. - Luigi Dei - Gabriella CaminatiNew perspective on how and why immunophilin FK506-related ligands work
- Bizzarri M. - Tenori E. - Martina M.R. - Marsili S. - Gabriella Caminati - Menichetti S. - Procacci P.Europium in phospholipid nanoscaffolds for the photophysical detection of antibiotic traces in solution
- Gabriella Caminati - Puggelli M.Functional liposomes and supported lipid bilayers: Towards the complexity of biological archetypes
- Debora Berti - Gabriella Caminati - Piero BaglioniModulation of density and orientation of amphiphilic DNA anchored to phospholipid membranes. I. Supported lipid bilayers
- Gambinossi F. - Banchelli M. - Durand A. - Debora Berti - Brown T. - Gabriella Caminati - Piero BaglioniModulation of density and orientation of amphiphilic DNA on phospholipid membranes. II. Vesicles
- Banchelli M. - Gambinossi F. - Durand A. - Gabriella Caminati - Brown T. - Debora Berti - Piero Baglioni Adsorption isotherms of aqueous C
Development and validation of europium-sensitized luminescence (ESL) method for the determination of tetracycline residues in milk
- Morandi S. - Focardi C. - Nocentini M. - Puggelli M. - Gabriella CaminatiPoly (vinyl alcohol)-borate hydro/cosolvent gels: Viscoelastic properties, solubilizing power, and application to art conservation
- Emiliano Carretti - Grassi S. - Cossalter M. - Natali I. - Gabriella Caminati - Weiss R.G. - Piero Baglioni - Luigi DeiClosed nanoconstructs assembled by step-by-step ss-DNA coupling assisted by phospholipid membranes
- Francesca Baldelli Bombelli - Betti F. - Gambinossi F. - Gabriella Caminati - Brown T. - Piero Baglioni - Debora BertiSilicon oxide surface functionalization by self-assembled nanolayers for microcantilever transducers
- Gambinossi F. - Lorenzelli L. - Piero Baglioni - Gabriella CaminatiAntibiotic association with phospholipid nano-assemblies: A comparison between Langmuir-Blodgett films and supported lipid bilayers
- Morandi S. - Puggelli M. - Gabriella CaminatiPhospholipid membranes decorated by cholesterol-based oligonucleotides as soft hybrid nanostructures
- Banchelli M. - Betti F. - Debora Berti - Gabriella Caminati - Francesca Baldelli Bombelli - Brown T. - Marcus Wilhelmsson L. - Norden B. - Piero BaglioniDNA closed nanostructures: A structural and Monte Carlo simulation study
- Francesca Baldelli Bombelli - Gambinossi F. - Lagi M. - Debora Berti - Gabriella Caminati - Brown T. - Sciortino F. - Nordén B. - Piero BaglioniHybrid LbL/LB films as molecular OLEDs: An acoustic shear wave attenuation and Brewster angle microscopy study
- Gambinossi F. - Piero Baglioni - Gabriella CaminatiPhospholipid nanofilms for the detection of Rifaximin in solution
- Morandi S. - Puggelli M. - Gabriella CaminatiElectrode Coating With Ultrathin Films Containing Electroactive Molecules for Biosensor Applications
- Mecheri B. - Piras L. - Ciotti L. - Gabriella CaminatiSelf-aggregation and phase separation of a styryl dye in monolayer at the liquid-air interface and in Langmuir-Blodgett films
- Gambinossi F. - Piero Baglioni - Gabriella CaminatiLangmuir-Blodgett films incorporating redox mediators for molecular recognition of NADH
- Mecheri B. - Piras L. - Gabriella CaminatiImmobilization of a fluorescent dye in Langmuir-Blodgett films
- Mannini M. - Gambinossi F. - Piero Baglioni - Gabriella CaminatiEffect of the phospholipid head group in antibiotic-phospholipid association at water-air interface
- Gambinossi F. - Mecheri B. - Nocentini M. - Puggelli M. - Gabriella CaminatiModulation of tetracycline-phospholipid interactions by tuning of pH at the water-air interface
- Mecheri B. - Gambinossi F. - Nocentini M. - Puggelli M. - Gabriella CaminatiPhotophysical investigation of lipopeptides of myelin basic protein in phospholipid vesicles
- Gabriella Caminati - Peroni E. - Anna Maria Papini - Piero BaglioniMolecular switching in nano-structured photochromic films of biopolymers
- Mecheri B. - Piero Baglioni - Pieroni O. - Gabriella CaminatiSpectroscopic properties of Langmuir-Blodgett films containing a potential-sensitive dye
- Gambinossi F. - Mannini M. - Piero Baglioni - Gabriella Caminati