Here you can find the updated list of all the publications of CSGI members and affilated staff. Please note that the only publications listed here are those published after the affilation of each member. If you are interested in the whole bibliography of CSGI members, including articles and books published before affilation to CSGI, please refer to academic research databases, such as Scopus, Web Of Science, Google Scholar, ect.
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Emerging Contaminants from Bioplastic Pollution in Marine Waters
- Boldrini A. - Gaggelli N. - Falcai F. - Polvani A. - Talarico L. - Galgani L. - Cirrone R. - Liu X. - Steven Arthur LoiselleMonitoring Salinity in Inner Mongolian Lakes Based on Sentinel-2 Images and Machine Learning
- Deng M. - Ma R. - Steven Arthur Loiselle - Hu M. - Xue K. - Cao Z. - Wang L. - Lin C. - Gao G.Phenolic Profiles in Olive Leaves from Different Cultivars in Tuscany and Their Use as a Marker of Varietal and Geographical Origin on a Small Scale
- Borghini F. - Gabriella Tamasi - Steven Arthur Loiselle - Michele Baglioni - Ferrari S. - Bisozzi F. - Costantini S. - Tozzi C. - Riccaboni A. - Claudio RossiEmpowering citizen scientists to improve water quality: from monitoring to action
- Warner S. - Blanco Ramírez S. - de Vries S. - Marangu N. - Ateba Bessa H. - Toranzo C. - Imaralieva M. - Abrate T. - Kiminta E. - Castro J. - de Souza M.L. - Ghaffar Memon A. - Steven Arthur Loiselle - Juanah M.S.E.Eutrophication evolution of lakes in China: Four decades of observations from space
- Hu M. - Ma R. - Xue K. - Cao Z. - Xiong J. - Steven Arthur Loiselle - Shen M. - Hou X.Citizen scientists filling knowledge gaps of phosphate pollution dynamics in rural areas
- Steven Arthur Loiselle - Bishop I. - Moorhouse H. - Pilat C. - Koelman E. - Nelson R. - Clymans W. - Pratt J. - Lewis V.MODIS observations reveal decrease in lake suspended particulate matter across China over the past two decades
- Cao Z. - Hu C. - Ma R. - Duan H. - Liu M. - Steven Arthur Loiselle - Song K. - Shen M. - Liu D. - Xue K.Sustainable Management of the African Great Lake Coastal Areas: Motivations and Perspectives of Community Citizen Scientists
- Moshi H.A. - Shilla D.A. - Brehim J. - Kimirei I. - O’Reilly C. - Steven Arthur LoiselleExploring Methods for Understanding and Quantifying Plastic-Derived Dissolved Organic Matter
- Zhu L. - Gaggelli N. - Boldrini A. - Stubbins A. - Steven Arthur LoiselleModeling dissolved and particulate organic carbon dynamics at basin and sub-basin scales
- Francesco Di Grazia - Garcia X. - Acuña V. - Llanos-Paez O. - Galgani L. - Gumiero B. - Steven Arthur LoiselleUnbalanced impacts of nature and nurture factors on the phenology, area and intensity of algal blooms in global large lakes: MODIS observations
- Ma J. - Steven Arthur Loiselle - Cao Z. - Qi T. - Shen M. - Luo J. - Song K. - Duan H. Marine plastics alter the organic matter composition of the air-sea boundary layer, with influences on CO
Airsheds, watersheds and more – The flows that drive intra-extra-urban connections, and their implications for nature-based solutions (NBS)
- Jones L. - Reis S. - Hutchins M. - Miller J. - He B. - Seifert-Dähnn I. - Xu C.Y. - Hagen-Zanker A. - Yu J. - Lin T. - Jia H. - Steven Arthur Loiselle - Russel D. - Sabel C.E. - Fletcher D. - Fitch A. - Inostroza L.Citizen scientist monitoring accurately reveals nutrient pollution dynamics in Lake Tanganyika coastal waters
- Moshi H.A. - Kimirei I. - Shilla D. - O’Reilly C. - Wehrli B. - Ehrenfels B. - Steven Arthur LoiselleDrivers of public plastic (mis)use — New insights from changes in single-use plastic usage during the Covid-19 pandemic
- Winton D. - Marazzi L. - Steven Arthur LoiselleWastewater-based epidemiology in hazard forecasting and early-warning systems for global health risks
- Kasprzyk-Hordern B. - Adams B. - Adewale I.D. - Agunbiade F.O. - Akinyemi M.I. - Archer E. - Badru F.A. - Barnett J. - Bishop I.J. - Di Lorenzo M. - Estrela P. - Faraway J. - Fasona M.J. - Fayomi S.A. - Feil E.J. - Hyatt L.J. - Irewale A.T. - Kjeldsen T. - Lasisi A.K.S. - Steven Arthur Loiselle - Louw T.M. - Metcalfe B. - Nmormah S.A. - Oluseyi T.O. - Smith T.R. - Snyman M.C. - Sogbanmu T.O. - Stanton-Fraser D. - Surujlal-Naicker S. - Wilson P.R. - Wolfaardt G. - Yinka-Banjo C.O.Community monitoring of coliform pollution in Lake Tanganyika
- Moshi H.A. - Shilla D.A. - Kimirei I.A. - O'Reilly C. - Clymans W. - Bishop I. - Steven Arthur LoiselleCOVID-19 lockdown improved river water quality in China
- Liu D. - Yang H. - Thompson J.R. - Li J. - Steven Arthur Loiselle - Duan H.Creating positive environmental impact through citizen science
- van Noordwijk T.C.G.E. - Bishop I. - Staunton-Lamb S. - Oldfield A. - Steven Arthur Loiselle - Geoghegan H. - Ceccaroni L.When It Rains, It Pours: Integrating Citizen Science Methods to Understand Resilience of Urban Green Spaces
- Pudifoot B. - Cárdenas M.L. - Buytaert W. - Paul J.D. - Narraway C.L. - Steven Arthur LoiselleComparing wetland ecosystems service provision under different management approaches: Two cases study of tianfu wetland and nansha wetland in China
- Zhang Y. - Steven Arthur Loiselle - Zhang Y. - Wang Q. - Sun X. - Hu M. - Chu Q. - Jing Y.Science & technology agenda for blue-green spaces inspired by citizen science: case for rejuvenation of powai lake
- Lekshmi B. - Saha D. - Sutar R.S. - Singh R. - Prabhu S.D. - Kamat A.M. - Sharma S. - Saxena R. - Steven Arthur Loiselle - Asolekar S.R.Ecosystem services evaluation of nature-based solutions with the help of citizen scientists
- Francesco Di Grazia - Gumiero B. - Galgani L. - Troiani E. - Ferri M. - Steven Arthur LoiselleDetermination of nano and microplastic particles in hypersaline lakes by multiple methods
- Pashaei R. - Steven Arthur Loiselle - Gemma Leone - Gabriella Tamasi - Dzingelevičienė R. - Kowalkowski T. - Gholizadeh M. - Marco Consumi - Abbasi S. - Sabaliauskaitė V. - Buszewski B.Plastic pollution impacts on marine carbon biogeochemistry
- Galgani L. - Steven Arthur LoiselleWind effects for floating algae dynamics in eutrophic lakes
- Zhang Y. - Steven Arthur Loiselle - Shi K. - Han T. - Zhang M. - Hu M. - Jing Y. - Lai L. - Zhan P.Why scale is vital to plan optimal Nature-Based Solutions for resilient cities
- Hutchins M.G. - Fletcher D. - Hagen-Zanker A. - Jia H. - Jones L. - Li H. - Steven Arthur Loiselle - Miller J. - Reis S. - Seifert-D hnn I. - Wilde V. - Xu C.Y. - Yang D. - Yu J. - Yu S.The circular benefits of participation in nature-based solutions
- Cárdenas M.L. - Wilde V. - Hagen-Zanker A. - Seifert-Dähnn I. - Hutchins M.G. - Steven Arthur LoiselleMicroplastics contamination versus inorganic particles: Effects on the dynamics of marine dissolved organic matter
- Boldrini A. - Galgani L. - Marco Consumi - Steven Arthur LoiselleObservations of water transparency in China's lakes from space
- Liu D. - Duan H. - Steven Arthur Loiselle - Hu C. - Zhang G. - Li J. - Yang H. - Thompson J.R. - Cao Z. - Shen M. - Ma R. - Zhang M. - Han W.Drivers to spatial and temporal dynamics of column integrated phytoplankton biomass in the shallow lake of Chaohu, China
- Li J. - Ma R. - Xue K. - Steven Arthur LoiselleMacroplastic pollution in freshwater environments: Focusing public and policy action
- Winton D.J. - Anderson L.G. - Rocliffe S. - Steven Arthur LoiselleRemote estimation of chlorophyll a concentrations over a wide range of optical conditions based on water classification from VIIRS observations
- Jiang G. - Steven Arthur Loiselle - Yang D. - Ma R. - Su W. - Gao C.Consumer-based actions to reduce plastic pollution in rivers: A multi-criteria decision analysis approach
- Marazzi L. - Steven Arthur Loiselle - Anderson L.G. - Rocliffe S. - Winton D.J.Citizen science monitoring for sustainable development goal indicator 6.3.2 in England and Zambia
- Bishop I.J. - Warner S. - van Noordwijk T.C.G.E. - Nyoni F.C. - Steven Arthur LoiselleThe spatial and temporal variation of water quality at a community garden site in an urban setting: Citizen science in action
- Dawson M.R. - Hutchins M. - Bachiller-Jareno N. - Steven Arthur LoiselleThe assessment of landsat-8 OLI atmospheric correction algorithms for inland waters
- Wang D. - Ma R. - Xue K. - Steven Arthur LoiselleHow citizen scientists can enrich freshwater science as contributors, collaborators, and co-creators
- Thornhill I. - Steven Arthur Loiselle - Clymans W. - Van Noordwijk C.G.E.Local and landscape influences on turbidity in urban streams: A global approach using citizen scientists
- Miguel-Chinchilla L. - Heasley E. - Steven Arthur Loiselle - Thornhill I.Plastic accumulation in the sea surface microlayer: An experiment-based perspective for future studies
- Galgani L. - Steven Arthur LoiselleAn absorption-specific approach to examining dynamics of particulate organic carbon from VIIRS observations in inland and coastal waters
- Jiang G. - Steven Arthur Loiselle - Yang D. - Gao C. - Ma R. - Su W. - Duan H.Secondary impacts of eutrophication control activities in shallow lakes: Lessons from aquatic macrophyte dynamics in lake taihu from 2000 to 2015
- Zhang Y. - Ma R. - Liang Q. - Guan B. - Steven Arthur LoiselleMicroplastics increase the marine production of particulate forms of organic matter
- Galgani L. - Tsapakis M. - Pitta P. - Tsiola A. - Tzempelikou E. - Kalantzi I. - Esposito C. - Loiselle A. - Tsotskou A. - Zivanovic S. - Dafnomili E. - Diliberto S. - Mylona K. - Magiopoulos I. - Zeri C. - Pitta E. - Steven Arthur LoiselleMonitoring biological and chemical trends in temperate stillwaters using citizen science
- Thornhill I. - Chautard A. - Steven Arthur LoiselleFactors related to water quality and thresholds for microcystin concentrations in subtropical Brazilian reservoirs
- Cunha D.G.F. - Dodds W.K. - Steven Arthur LoiselleA remote sensing algorithm of column-integrated algal biomass covering algal bloom conditions in a shallow eutrophic lake
- Li J. - Ma R. - Xue K. - Zhang Y. - Steven Arthur LoisellePolystyrene microplastics increase microbial release of marine Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter in microcosm experiments
- Galgani L. - Engel A. - Claudio Rossi - Alessandro Donati - Steven Arthur LoiselleA MODIS-based novel method to distinguish surface cyanobacterial scums and aquatic macrophytes in Lake Taihu
- Liang Q. - Zhang Y. - Ma R. - Steven Arthur Loiselle - Li J. - Hu M.MODIS observations of cyanobacterial risks in a eutrophic lake: Implications for long-term safety evaluation in drinking-water source
- Duan H. - Tao M. - Steven Arthur Loiselle - Zhao W. - Cao Z. - Ma R. - Tang X.Citizen science participation in research in the environmental sciences: Key factors related to projects’ success and longevity
- Cunha D.G.F. - Marques J.F. - de Resende J.C. - de Falco P.B. - de Souza C.M. - Steven Arthur Loiselle