Here you can find the updated list of all the publications of CSGI members and affilated staff. Please note that the only publications listed here are those published after the affilation of each member. If you are interested in the whole bibliography of CSGI members, including articles and books published before affilation to CSGI, please refer to academic research databases, such as Scopus, Web Of Science, Google Scholar, ect.
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Kinetics of the mechanically induced ibuprofen-nicotinamide co-crystal formation by in situ X-ray diffraction
- Casali L. - Maria Carta - Michalchuk A.A.L. - Francesco Delogu - Emmerling F.A kinetic study of mechanically activated atom exchange: the effect of milling frequency and ball mass
- Maria Carta - Lukin S. - Francesco Delogu - Halasz I.Mechanochemically Induced Solid-State Transformations of Levofloxacin
- Kadri L. - Maria Carta - Lampronti G. - Francesco Delogu - Tajber L.Mechanochemical ignition of self-propagating reactions in equimolar Al-Ni powder mixtures and multilayers
- Maria Carta - Francesco DeloguKinetics of Grain Size Reduction in Minerals Undergoing Ball Milling
- Sanna A.L. - Giorgio Pia - Francesco DeloguMechanochemical Reactions from Individual Impacts to Global Transformation Kinetics
- Maria Carta - Vugrin L. - Miletić G. - Kulcsár M.J. - Ricci P.C. - Halasz I. - Francesco DeloguDegradation phenomena of Templo Pintado painted plasters
- Cappai M. - Francesco Delogu - Pozzi-Escot D. - Pacheco Neyra G. - Meloni P. - Giorgio PiaA Preliminary Investigation on the Mechanochemical Degradation of 2,6 Dichlorophenol in Simulated Sandy Soils: Modeling End Experiments
- Alessandro Concas - Francesco Delogu - Nicola Lai - Giacomo CaoDense nanocrystalline W alloys: Enhancement of hardness and thermal stability by Al addition
- Torre F. - Huminiuc T. - Barra P. - Pilloni L. - Polcar T. - Rinaldi A. - Francesco Delogu - Roberto Orrù - Giacomo Cao - Antonio LocciMechanochemical effects underlying the mechanically activated catalytic hydrogenation of carbon monoxide
- Maria Carta - Sanna A.L. - Andrea Porcheddu - Garroni S. - Francesco DeloguExtending the Hammett correlation to mechanochemical reactions
- Vugrin L. - Maria Carta - Francesco Delogu - Halasz I.Mechanochemical reaction kinetics scales linearly with impact energy
- Vugrin L. - Maria Carta - Lukin S. - Meštrović E. - Francesco Delogu - Halasz I.Enhancement of the pozzolanic activity of natural clays by mechanochemical activation
- Tole I. - Francesco Delogu - Qoku E. - Habermehl-Cwirzen K. - Cwirzen A.Controlling Nonlinear Dynamics of Milling Bodies in Mechanochemical Devices Driven by Pendular Forcing
- Polo A. - Maria Carta - Francesco Delogu - Rustici M. - Budroni M.A.hMSCs in contact with DMSO for cryopreservation: Experiments and modeling of osmotic injury and cytotoxic effect
- Traversari G. - Francesco Delogu - Aparicio S. - Alberto CincottiStiffening of nanoporous gold: experiment, simulation and theory
- Melis C. - Giorgio Pia - Sogne E. - Falqui A. - Giordano S. - Francesco Delogu - Colombo L.Mechanochemistry: New Tools to Navigate the Uncharted Territory of “Impossible” Reactions
- Cuccu F. - De Luca L. - Francesco Delogu - Colacino E. - Solin N. - Rita Mocci - Andrea PorchedduEstimation of Nanoporous Au Young’s Modulus from Serial Block Face-SEM 3D-Characterisation
- Brun M. - Sogne E. - Falqui A. - Scaglione F. - Rizzi P. - Francesco Delogu - Giorgio PiaWeathering of earth-painted surfaces: Environmental monitoring and artificial aging
- Cappai M. - Casnedi L. - Carcangiu G. - Francesco Delogu - Pozzi-Escot D. - Pacheco Neyra G. - Giorgio Pia - Meloni P.Mechanochemical Fischer indolisation: an eco-friendly design for a timeless reaction
- Andrea Porcheddu - Rita Mocci - Brindisi M. - Cuccu F. - Fattuoni C. - Francesco Delogu - Colacino E. - D'Auria M.V.Chemical effects induced by the mechanical processing of granite powder
- Sanna A.L. - Maria Carta - Giorgio Pia - Garroni S. - Andrea Porcheddu - Francesco DeloguUltrasonic irradiation of nanoporous Au
- Barra P. - Traversari G. - Sogne E. - Maria Carta - Alberto Cincotti - Falqui A. - Francesco DeloguHardening of Nanoporous Au Induced by Exposure to Different Gaseous Environments
- Giorgio Pia - Sogne E. - Falqui A. - Francesco DeloguMechanochemistry Can Reduce Life Cycle Environmental Impacts of Manufacturing Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients
- Galant O. - Cerfeda G. - McCalmont A.S. - James S.L. - Andrea Porcheddu - Francesco Delogu - Crawford D.E. - Colacino E. - Spatari S.Investigation on the thermodynamic stability of nanocrystalline W-based alloys: A combined theoretical and experimental approach
- Torre F. - Mingazzini C. - Gattia D.M. - Huminiuc T. - Rinaldi A. - Polcar T. - Francesco Delogu - Antonio LocciA phenomenological kinetic equation for mechanochemical reactions involving highly deformable molecular solids
- Maria Carta - Francesco Delogu - Andrea PorchedduAdvances in Mechanochemistry
- Colacino E. - Francesco Delogu - Hanusa T.Mechanochemical N-Chlorination Reaction of Hydantoin: In Situ Real-Time Kinetic Study by Powder X-ray Diffraction and Raman Spectroscopy
- Martins I.C.B. - Maria Carta - Haferkamp S. - Feiler T. - Francesco Delogu - Colacino E. - Emmerling F.Fabrication of nanoporous al by vapor-phase dealloying: Morphology features, mechanical properties and model predictions
- Pinna A. - Giorgio Pia - Casula M.F. - Francesco Delogu - Sogne E. - Falqui A. - Pilia L.Mechanochemical Rearrangements
- Virieux D. - Francesco Delogu - Andrea Porcheddu - García F. - Colacino E.Fabrication of nanocrystalline supersaturated W–Al alloys with enhanced thermal stability and high sinterability
- Torre F. - Huminiuc T. - Musu E. - Polcar T. - Francesco Delogu - Antonio Locci Kinetics of MgH
The Mechanochemical Beckmann Rearrangement: An Eco-efficient "cut-and-Paste" Strategy to Design the "good Old Amide Bond"
- Rita Mocci - Colacino E. - Luca L.D. - Fattuoni C. - Andrea Porcheddu - Francesco DeloguMechanochemical Ignition of Self-propagating Reactions in Zn-S Powder Mixtures
- Torre F. - Maria Carta - Barra P. - Alberto Cincotti - Andrea Porcheddu - Francesco DeloguCoupling of mechanical deformation and reaction in mechanochemical transformations
- Traversari G. - Andrea Porcheddu - Giorgio Pia - Francesco Delogu - Alberto Cincotti DFT study of [Pt(Cl)
Thermodynamic modelling of polycrystalline multicomponent multiphase metal alloys
- Antonio Locci - Torre F. - Francesco DeloguInsect rearing: Potential, challenges, and circularity
- Cadinu L.A. - Barra P. - Torre F. - Francesco Delogu - Madau F.A.Kinetics of mechanochemical transformations
- Maria Carta - Colacino E. - Francesco Delogu - Andrea PorchedduMetal-Mediated and Metal-Catalyzed Reactions under Mechanochemical Conditions
- Andrea Porcheddu - Colacino E. - De Luca L. - Francesco DeloguSolvent-free, continuous synthesis of hydrazone-based active pharmaceutical ingredients by twin-screw extrusion
- Crawford D.E. - Andrea Porcheddu - McCalmont A.S. - Francesco Delogu - James S.L. - Colacino E.Mechanochemical Preparation of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Monitored by in Situ Raman Spectroscopy
- Sović I. - Lukin S. - Meštrović E. - Halasz I. - Andrea Porcheddu - Francesco Delogu - Ricci P.C. - Caron F. - Perilli T. - Dogan A. - Colacino E.Kabachnik-Fields Reaction by Mechanochemistry: New Horizons from Old Methods
- Fiore C. - Sovic I. - Lukin S. - Halasz I. - Martina K. - Francesco Delogu - Ricci P.C. - Andrea Porcheddu - Shemchuk O. - Braga D. - Pirat J.L. - Virieux D. - Colacino E.Annealing effects on the structural and optical properties of undoped and Zr-doped Ba titanate prepared by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis
- Ezealigo B.N. - Roberto Orrù - Torre F. - Ricci P.C. - Francesco Delogu - Giacomo CaoPorosity effects on water vapour permeability in earthen materials: Experimental evidence and modelling description
- Casnedi L. - Cappai M. - Alberto Cincotti - Francesco Delogu - Giorgio PiaMilling Dynamics and Propagation of Mechanically Activated Self-Sustaining Reactions
- Alberto Cincotti - Traversari G. - Giorgio Pia - Francesco DeloguSolid Particle Erosion of a Limestone Target Surface under Controlled Conditions
- Sanna A.L. - Giorgio Pia - Francesco DeloguMicroscopic kinetic information from Ag oxalate mechanochemistry in ball drop experiments
- Torre F. - Barra P. - Giorgio Pia - Francesco Delogu - Andrea Porcheddu