Here you can find the updated list of all the publications of CSGI members and affilated staff. Please note that the only publications listed here are those published after the affilation of each member. If you are interested in the whole bibliography of CSGI members, including articles and books published before affilation to CSGI, please refer to academic research databases, such as Scopus, Web Of Science, Google Scholar, ect.
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Sustainability of food packaging
- Kumar A. - Baranwal J. - Barse B. - Piga I. - Alberto Cincotti - Gatto G.Osmotic injury and cytotoxicity for hMSCs in contact with Me2SO: The effect of cell size distribution
- Traversari G. - Antonio Locci - Alessandro Concas - Nicola Lai - Alberto CincottiEstimation of differential pathlength factor from NIRS measurement in skeletal muscle
- Koirala B. - Alessandro Concas - Alberto Cincotti - Sun Y. - Hernández A. - Goodwin M.L. - Gladden L.B. - Nicola LaiIn-situ resource utilization to produce Haematococcus pluvialis biomass in simulated Martian environment
- Casula M. - Pierluigi Caboni - Fais G. - Dessì D. - Paola Scano - Nicola Lai - Alberto Cincotti - Giacomo Cao - Alessandro ConcasModeling and experimental assessment of Synechococcus nidulans cultivation using simulated Martian medium and astronauts’ urine
- Alessandro Concas - Fais G. - Enna M. - Zucchelli S. - Pierluigi Caboni - Nicola Lai - Alberto Cincotti - Giacomo CaohMSCs in contact with DMSO for cryopreservation: Experiments and modeling of osmotic injury and cytotoxic effect
- Traversari G. - Francesco Delogu - Aparicio S. - Alberto CincottiUltrasonic irradiation of nanoporous Au
- Barra P. - Traversari G. - Sogne E. - Maria Carta - Alberto Cincotti - Falqui A. - Francesco DeloguStructural characterisation and assessment of the novel bacillus amyloliquefaciens RK3 exopolysaccharide on the improvement of cognitive function in Alzheimer’s disease mice
- Gangalla R. - Gattu S. - Palaniappan S. - Ahamed M. - Macha B. - Thampu R.K. - Fais A. - Alberto Cincotti - Gatto G. - Dama M. - Kumar A. Kinetics of MgH
Mechanochemical Ignition of Self-propagating Reactions in Zn-S Powder Mixtures
- Torre F. - Maria Carta - Barra P. - Alberto Cincotti - Andrea Porcheddu - Francesco DeloguCoupling of mechanical deformation and reaction in mechanochemical transformations
- Traversari G. - Andrea Porcheddu - Giorgio Pia - Francesco Delogu - Alberto CincottiPorosity effects on water vapour permeability in earthen materials: Experimental evidence and modelling description
- Casnedi L. - Cappai M. - Alberto Cincotti - Francesco Delogu - Giorgio PiaMilling Dynamics and Propagation of Mechanically Activated Self-Sustaining Reactions
- Alberto Cincotti - Traversari G. - Giorgio Pia - Francesco DeloguA mapping approach to pattern formation in the early stages of mechanical alloying
- Giorgio Pia - Traversari G. - Alberto Cincotti - Francesco DeloguOsmotic behaviour of human mesenchymal stem cells: Implications for cryopreservation
- Casula E. - Asuni G. - Sogos V. - Fadda S. - Francesco Delogu - Alberto CincottiThermally and catalytically induced coarsening of nanoporous Au
- Giorgio Pia - Alberto Cincotti - Francesco Delogu