Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science

Personal information

Position: Permanent Staff


Phone: 0577 234-372

Location: Siena

Fields of Interest and Expertise

Conformational Analysis of Biomolecules in Solution.

Host-guest inclusion compounds.

Ligand-Macromolecules Interaction as observed by Nuclear Relaxation Analysis.

“In vivo” NMR studies of cell metabolism.


Liposome as drug-carrier.


Curriculum Vitae

Dec 1993: Degree in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology, at the University of Siena (110 cum laude/110). Thesis title: "Conformation and Dynamics of Rifaximin and Rifaximin OR by NMR studies".

1993-1994: E.E.C grant on Environmental Assessment.

1994-1998: PhD in Chemistry at the University of Siena. Title: " Combined theoretic and experimental methods to define the conformation of biomolecules in solution ". Advisor: Prof. C. Rossi (University of Siena).

1997: Honorary Research Assistant in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the University College of London in the NMR group of Dr. Paul Driscoll.

1999-2002: Grant in Chemistry at the University of Siena. Title: " Conformational and dynamical analysis of macromolecules in solution and their complex with metallic ions". Advisor: Prof. C. Rossi (University of Siena).

2002-2005: Grant at the University of Siena. Title: " In Vivo 13C-NMR and Modelling Study of Metabolic Yield Response to Ethanol Stress in a Wild-Type Strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae ".

2006-present: Research fellow at the Dept. of Pharmaceutical and Applied Chemistry of the University of Siena.



A Facile Access to Green Fluorescent Albumin Derivatives

- Saletti M. - Paolino M. - Venditti J. - Claudia Bonechi - Giuliani G. - Lamponi S. - Tassone G. - Boccia A. - Botta C. - Blancafort L. - Poggialini F. - Vagaggini C. - Cappelli A.

Cross-Linked Hyaluronan Derivatives in the Delivery of Phycocyanin

- Terracina F. - Saletti M. - Paolino M. - Venditti J. - Giuliani G. - Claudia Bonechi - Licciardi M. - Cappelli A.

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