Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase
Center for Colloid and Surface Science

Personal information

Position: Permanent Staff


Phone: 0577 234385

Location: Siena - STCDB

Fields of Interest and Expertise

Synthesis and characterization of polymeric materials and hydrogels for biomedical applications

Development of nanomaterials for biosensors and drug target delivery

Surface modification and surface analysis of materials

Conformational analysis of biomolecules in solution

Application of ToF-SIMS to the study of materials and biological samples



Basic Chemistry - General and Inorganic Chemistry with Stoichiometry - (First level degrees in “Chemical Sciences” and “Pharmacy” at University of Siena)

Nanomaterials and Nanocarriers (Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, PhD School at University of Siena)


Curriculum Vitae

1987: Degree in Chemistry at University of Florence.

1990: Visiting Scientist at Center for Controlled Chemical Delivery - University of Utah, at City University of New York and at Department of Chemical Engineering and Pathology - McMaster University (Ontario, USA)

1992: PhD in Chemical Sciences at University of Perugia

1992: Visiting Scientist at Department of Chemical Engineering - University of Washington and at Department of Materials Science - University of Alabama. 

1994: Researcher at Department of Chemistry, University of Siena.

1995: Visiting Professor at Department of Materials Science della University of Alabama in Huntsville.

2001: Associate Professor at the Department of Biosystems and Chemical Sciences, University of Siena




A QCM-Based Device for Neurodegenerative Diseases Detection in Human Perspiration

- Fort A. - Landi E. - Moretti R. - Vignoli V. - Lettieri M. - Talarico L. - Marco Consumi - Agnese Magnani
2024 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 and IoT, MetroInd4.0 and IoT 2024 - Proceedings

Development and characterization of liposomal formulations containing sesquiterpene lactones for the treatment of chronic gout

- Cunha Matosinhos R. - Frézard F. - Mendes Silva Araújo S. - Magalhães Barbosa A. - de Souza I.F. - de Souza Filho J.D. - de Souza J. - Corrêa Oliveira Bahia A.P. - Ietta F. - Agnese Magnani - Saúde-Guimarães D.A.
Scientific Reports

NOX2 and NOX4 expression in monocytes and macrophages-extracellular vesicles in signalling and therapeutics

- Rathi D. - Claudio Rossi - Pospíšil P. - Ramalingam Manoharan R. - Talarico L. - Agnese Magnani - Prasad A.
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology

Ferulated Poly(vinyl alcohol) based hydrogels

- Simone Pepi - Paolino M. - Saletti M. - Venditti J. - Talarico L. - Andreassi M. - Giuliani G. - Caselli G. - Artusi R. - Cappelli A. - Gemma Leone - Agnese Magnani - Rovati L.

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